Oracle Messages

Id Message
DRG-12244 data conversion error for sdata section string
DRG-12245 SDATA operator not compatible with the sdata section string
DRG-12246 SDATA operand not compatible with the sdata section string
DRG-12247 maximum number of NDATA sections (string) exceeded
DRG-12248 a NDATA section named string already exists in this section group
DRG-12300 an index with this column list already exists in the index set
DRG-12301 index does not exist in index set
DRG-12302 invalid column list
DRG-12303 cannot add more than 99 indexes to an index set
DRG-12304 index set string does not exist
DRG-12305 column string data type is not supported for index set columns
DRG-12306 column string is too long for index set columns
DRG-12307 column string is NULL and cannot be indexed
DRG-12308 use ctx_ddl.create_index_set to create index sets
DRG-12400 template string is empty
DRG-12401 invalid template: query within a loop
DRG-12402 error processing template string, line string
DRG-12403 template string was not found
DRG-12404 more than one template string found
DRG-12405 error occurred processing CTX REDIRECT or CTX LABEL tag
Lines 1201 to 1220 of 20375 entries
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