Oracle Messages

Id Message
DRG-10304 unexpected error sending command(s) to Oracle Text server
DRG-10305 pipe string is full
DRG-10306 server terminated unexpectedly while processing command
DRG-10307 no servers running
DRG-10308 no server with the required string personality mask is running
DRG-10309 not enough job queue processes
DRG-10310 servers were shutdown before processing request
DRG-10311 remote send not supported
DRG-10312 logfile name must be specified
DRG-10313 logging has already been started
DRG-10314 logging has not been started
DRG-10315 logging is not supported on MTS
DRG-10500 CREATE_INDEX failed: column spec string
DRG-10501 invalid stopword: string
DRG-10502 index string does not exist
DRG-10503 table string cannot be indexed because it has no primary key
DRG-10504 primary key is required when using the DETAIL_DATASTORE
DRG-10506 table does not exist: string
DRG-10507 duplicate index name: string
DRG-10509 invalid text column: string
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