Oracle Messages

Id Message
DIA-48259 AMS Relation not Created Correctly
DIA-48300 Incident Record Already Exists
DIA-48301 An Invalid Incident ID was specified
DIA-48302 Incident Directory does not exist
DIA-48303 Exceeded max Incident Sequence Value
DIA-48304 incident staging file not found
DIA-48305 incident ID range is too large
DIA-48309 illegal incident state transition, [string] to [string]
DIA-48310 Incident string staging file not found
DIA-48311 Invalid field name [string]
DIA-48312 Sweep incident string staging file failed
DIA-48313 Updates not allowed on ADR relation [string] of Version=string
DIA-48314 Invalid ADR Control parameter [string]
DIA-48315 ADR unavailable
DIA-48316 relation [string] unavailable or cannot be created
DIA-48317 ADR Relation [string] of version=string is obsolete
DIA-48318 ADR Relation [string] of version=string cannot be supported
DIA-48319 Update operation on ADR relation [string] not allowed
DIA-48320 Too many incidents to report
DIA-48321 ADR Relation [string] not found
Lines 521 to 540 of 20375 entries
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