Oracle Messages

Id Message
DGM-16960 Status not available
DGM-16979 Unable to log on to the primary or standby database as SYSDBA
DGM-16991 Two or more resources have the name string
DGM-16992 You must shut down instance string manually
DGM-16999 Instance string was not found
DGM-17000 Two or more instances have the name string
DGM-17002 Primary database cannot be removed
DGM-17007 Unsupported platform, observer cannot start
DGM-17009 New primary database string is opening...
DIA-48001 internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
DIA-48002 thread terminated by fatal error
DIA-48003 out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes (string,string)
DIA-48004 unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory (string,string,string,string)
DIA-48100 error encountered when attempting to open a file
DIA-48101 error encountered when attempting to read a file [string] [string] [string]
DIA-48102 encountered the end-of-file when reading the file
DIA-48103 error encountered when attempting to write a file [string] [string] [string]
DIA-48104 read mismatch on blocks requested and returned, [string], [string]
DIA-48105 write mismatch on blocks requested and returned, [string], [string]
DIA-48106 error initializing the ADR string object
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