Oracle Messages

Id Message
LSX-00280 duplicate ID ~S
LSX-00281 referenced ID ~S is not defined
LSX-00282 duplicate notation name ~S
LSX-00283 referenced notation ~S is not defined
LSX-00284 duplicate constraint name ~S
LSX-00285 referenced key ~S is not defined
LSX-00286 duplicate key ~S for {~S}~S
LSX-00287 duplicate key ~S
LSX-00290 invalid enumeration choice ~S
LSX-00291 value ~1S is less than minimum ~2S (~3S)
LSX-00292 value ~1S is greater than maximum ~2S (~3S)
LSX-00293 missing one or more fields from element ~S
LSX-00294 field ~S produced multiple hits
LSX-00295 field element ~S is not a simple type
LSX-00300 group must have name or ref but not both
LSX-00310 local element or attribute should be namespace qualified
LSX-00311 local element or attribute shouldnt be namespace qualified
LSX-00320 missing required elements in
LSX-00330 missing range start character
LSX-00331 missing comma
Lines 2841 to 2860 of 20375 entries
1 141 142 143 144 145 1,019