Oracle Messages

Id Message
LSX-00152 only minOccurs, maxOccurs, or id is allowed
LSX-00153 invalid combination of default and fixed attributes
LSX-00154 attribute use must have its value set to optional
LSX-00155 invalid use of attribute ref
LSX-00156 type is final and no derivations are allowed
LSX-00157 ~S is abstract and cannot be used in an instance document
LSX-00158 base type of ~S must be simple type or primitive datatype
LSX-00159 list content of multiple simple types is not allowed
LSX-00160 invalid substitution group affiliation between ~S and ~S
LSX-00161 disallowed type substitution between ~S and ~S
LSX-00162 string ~S is an invalid default for the complex type
LSX-00163 duplicated content specification in ~S
LSX-00164 no content specified in ~S
LSX-00165 content type of ~S must be simple type
LSX-00166 both content types must be mixed or both must be element-only
LSX-00167 defining form of ~S must occur at the top level
LSX-00168 referring form of ~S must NOT occur at the top level
LSX-00169 circular group reference is disallowed outside
LSX-00170 union must have memberTypes attribute or some simpleType children
LSX-00171 missing required sub-element ~S
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