Oracle Messages

Id Message
LPX-01001 [XPST0001] Static context component ~S has no value
LPX-01002 [XPDY0002] Dynamic context component ~S has no value
LPX-01003 [XPST0003] Syntax error at ~s
LPX-01004 [XPTY0004] Expression type does not match a required type
LPX-01005 [XPST0005] Invalid empty-sequence() expression
LPX-01006 [XPTY0006]
LPX-01007 [XPTY0007]
LPX-01008 [XPST0008] Invalid reference
LPX-01009 [XQST0009] Schema Import Feature not supported
LPX-01010 [XPST0010] Axis ~S not supported
LPX-01012 [XQST0012] Invalid XML schema
LPX-01013 [XQST0013] Invalid pragma content
LPX-01014 [XQST0014]
LPX-01015 [XQST0015]
LPX-01016 [XQST0016] Module Feature not supported
LPX-01017 [XPST0017] Invalid function call
LPX-01018 [XPTY0018] Path last step contains both nodes and atomic values
LPX-01019 [XPTY0019] Path step contains atomic values
LPX-01020 [XPTY0020] The path step context item is not a node
LPX-01021 [XPDY0021]
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