Transaction SAP WE02 - Afficher IDoc

Notes associées
323170Problems with confirmation
839868BOM:IDOC error message field RC29P-J_2CKZLB doesn't exist
1173863INVOIC: Tax reporting date in IDoc missing
103577Account assignment slip MB_MFKTO cannot be customized
1083694IDoc adapter: IDX5 and IDoc tracking
306385M706:Input help for print parameter (Release 4.6)
120714EDI INVOIC01: Standard unit of measure from OBCE
411013Additional documentation on output determination in MM-IM
442706MIGO: No individual slip for multiple account assignment
316661Master data ALE: several symptoms
1052964MDM: Distribution of Business Partners, Customers, Vendors
756472SUS-MM: Processing of PO response for rejected items
125478Print account assignmnt on goods receipt/issue slip
900380Configurable items in the SD process (idocs & bapis)
373675Problems with invoice generation (check list)
546604FAQ: INVOIC-IDoc, EDI, internal allocation
378023INVOIC-FI: No link between IDoc and document
793669FAQ: SUS in SRM 4.0 with XI 3.0
427950FB03: Various errors in FB03 after importg SP 20-22 in 4.6C
137686ALE_INVOIC01: Internal allocatn Customizing in FI
1275930Extracting Bills of Material From ERP to GDS via IDoc & XI
426554Output determination checklist for goods movements
551035IDOC overview in FI
1872637Delays posting inbound IDocs (status 64) which have been configured to trigger immediately
1862248Delays sending outbound Idocs (status 30) which have been configured to transfer immediately
142642ALE inbound invoices FI:collective note f. INVOIC