547010 | Missing information in printed lists |
123916 | Output issued twice in shipment |
112725 | Goods issue posting for text or service item |
1129233 | Bad performance during shipment packing processing |
625853 | No GI posting due to storage bin block |
847585 | Intercompany bill created by activity profile |
722492 | Billing document split during intercompany billing |
317572 | Error VL049 for GI posting via shipment completion |
749865 | Billing document split with intercompany billing |
360561 | No interal billing document for shipment completion |
165406 | No intercompany billing doc. |
126675 | No pro-forma billing document for shipment completion |
514542 | Pro forma billing document w/ activ. profile of shipment |
458732 | Error messages during GI posting via shipment completion |
387025 | Starting goods issue through activity profile |
369105 | Starting goods issue using the activity profile |
512000 | Incorrect end status for ext. transportation planning system |
512001 | Output executed although status not set |
423941 | Incorrect key figures in the TIS or BW |
424327 | Activity profile in shipment processing |
395723 | Triggering outputs through activity profile |
530125 | SAP standard functions not supported for HPM materials |
560911 | No shipment status in case of billing |
661998 | Recording action profile log |