64601 | VK13 Bottom "GO TO THE NEXT CONDITION" |
108309 | VK11-13 - scrolling does not work |
76917 | Condition info: Syntax error in program RV13A... |
80686 | Condition info: VK806 syntax error in prg. RV13... |
399952 | System error: Table TMC1K (Entry A901 is missing) |
1243544 | Missing authorization check for called transactions |
372003 | Conditions: Texts for specialized customer fields |
500944 | No variant conditions after pricing date change |
586878 | RGX - Post installation tasks for Routing Guide |
1169995 | Unicode migration: Incorrect VARDAT length in cluster KAPOL |
497850 | Condition maintenance reports and Unicode |
746379 | RGX - Add 'where-used' functionality to routing guide report |
886771 | Generation in condition maintenance |
68170 | @3Z@ 2. collective IS-OIL Upstr./Downstr. Transport |