Transaction SAP RSENQ - Affichage du protocole de blocage

Notes associées
1077271Infocube realignment ends up with error RSENQ002
650989P16: Lock manager: Error message when lock not set
767081Consult.: Message RSENQ 009 in administrat. of data target
899519Filling aggregate terminates due to roll up lock
951467CONVT_NO_NUMBER termination during data loading
1223059P19: Assigning package RSENQ to the CSN component BW-WHM
1159565P18:Manage: Message RSENQ 009 when you start compression
928193Report RSDDK_AGGREGATES_ROLLUP gives no errors in job log
1535514P26:DSP:PC:Truncate:Locked act. queue end with act. red
1488759Rollup Wait time - Updated
560949MESSAGE_TYPE_X termination in adjust time-dep. agg. process
1072483Incorrect error message when you activate a hierarchy
1033856Incorrect error messages when hierarchy is activated
1022555Rollup lock is not released in time
1025153Termination in delete phase when using DataStore archiving
785840Multiple change runs are started simultaneously
1150540Parallel filling of aggregates terminates with a lock
755873Endless loop when change run started (2)
927279P8: P31: ENQ: Lock request in lock manager loops endlessly
1027178P13:P20:SDL:Lock RSENQ_PROT hangs during flat file upload
936540P8:P31: Request deletion waits indefinitely long for lock
901566Incorrect Message displayed during deletion of Master Data
707840Lock by change run (RSENQ 52)
668739InfoCube or ODS object remains locked after archiving
1102965P16:PC:MON:ODS:Statman:Req. does not have qualok stat. in PC
582391Maintaining master data: MESSAGE_TYPE_X when deleting a lock
1072970Problems during data archiving using a process chain
825927The BW Changerun: CR_MAXWAIT