Transaction SAP PA40 - Mesures administratives

Notes associées
1012708PA40: Message "Person is already being processed by user"
1603311Dumps in HR transaction due to GRC HR Triggers
1051737BTE CACS3000 - HR integration
415295CFG: Screen display for Infotype 0210 is misbehaving
1005652Entry missing in T588Z for 3rd child maternity SG
33582Transport dialog box when saving personnel planning data
611149PCR - IQS22: Personnel actions ignors Commit statements
1226183HR Admin: No authorization when Infotype 0001 is created
983377HR-RU: MP029800 triggered a termination with a short dump
1080900HRALX: Hiring an employee leads to error message 201(R1)
1321654PSPAR-MASSG is not filled in dynamic actions
1615038Dynamische Maßnahme für IT0367 von IT0002 u. IT0006
1677815HRALX: Ctry w/o ISO code generates error for creation (BP)
416084TAX: Default tax authorities not stored in IT 224
1099746Language inconsistencies in trans. PA30 for UGR 10.
1554593Problem with IT0006 and 0002 when transfering applicant data
3411Screen Header: Program RPH00nnn not found
1521867Dynamic action for infotype 0001 is not executed
526877IT: No default prov. of residence during Actions.
338760Expensive statement on table PLOGI
1564499Processing initial values which are not valid in V_T588Z
1045081Dump caused by PA-PD-integration when using PA40
652782Personnel action 'Corrected entry' cannot be overwritten
557040IT0210: Incorrect defaulting of start date.
539254ITY: Prov. tax credits not populated in PA42.
1480824Dynamic actions: Structure PSAVE is not correctly filled
1328627Error when scrolling back in an action
1367331IBAN: Error message BF00 013 when generating bank data
51167I0236 and I0170: CUA status EDQ and LIS9 missing
1426140Dynamic action: Different behavior of SAVE and ENTER
83704HRMS-ES: Renaming standard wage 5xxx/6xxx(relea.30E
1658363Unexpected change of feature LEAVE
518511Concurrent Employment - Personnel Administration
732672Concurrent Employment,France - Personnel Administration
1147211Incorrect entry: Processing A/B300 relationships
499428Deadlock with table T77OMAHQ_GARBAGE
573044Unicode conversion for HR application
92195HRMS-ES: Problems with 'complementos' for illness
51241HR-E: Renaming of wage-types 5xxx/6xxx not complete
459760NC010: Nivel de Corrección 010 - Contenido