922163 | KS02: KS 096 was set as error message |
70602 | Error in adj.pgm for standard hierarchy master data |
37664 | Batch Input: Create Cost Centers / Performance |
981674 | Performance with master data change: Including LEDNR |
203491 | Fields name and description in cost center master |
32157 | Create master data: KS022 f. non-calendar FYear |
757143 | OKEON: Error message KS 096 is set as an error |
753646 | Change documents for time-independent fields |
1126571 | KS01: Functnl area in master rec although COS acc not active |
302425 | Cost centers input help standard hierarchy |
61682 | Changing company code for cost centers |
980393 | KS02: Mid-year change to fiscal year-dependent fields |
210856 | Tax code to cost cntr:Replace error by info message |
949329 | Check length of external tax jurisdiction code Customizing |
686768 | Problem w/ fields that are time-dependent/not time-dependnt |
103547 | Master data:Hierarchy area with <SPACE> in name |
364557 | Cost center and fiscal year (error GU505) |
957452 | KSH2: Checks for saving in COOMKS02 |
606933 | OKEON: Business area is no required entry field |
318791 | Warning message when changing cost center category |
111752 | Batch input, BAPI: Create cost centers / performance |
96738 | Cost centers before 1950 |
155785 | Activate authorization object K_CCA for CCtr master data |
51513 | KZ527 / KS027 / KS020: change/delete master data |
318724 | Functional area req.entry field in cost center master record |
379464 | SAP enhancement COOMKS02 (Cost center: Checks during saving) |
206306 | Customer fields cost center: Change documents for the field |
215449 | Cost center master: ASSIGN_OFFSET+LENGTH_TOOLARGE |
120200 | Wrong Error Messages |
338235 | Cost center standard hierarchy: user-defined fields |
930777 | Functnl area as req entry field in cost center master rec 2 |
131951 | Saving during master data maintenance frm hierarchy |
721552 | Check button (checkbox): different period values |
638747 | CSKS Error for Country Install Program (O035, RSCICO02) |
158218 | Change history for customized additional fields |
91514 | Priority 'very high' for commitments management |
853052 | Warning message when changing cost center category part 2 |
146893 | Customer enhancements CO-OM: time-based fields |
47992 | No commitment is displayed in reporting |
37093 | Master data: change/delete validity period |
142943 | CO authorizations: performance/wrong checks |
62716 | KS020 when changing company code, business area |
202921 | Reqd entry fields for customer-specific flds in cost centers |
756696 | KS02: Maintaining tax jurisdiction code part 2 |
367073 | Change documents CO groups: Performance |
520717 | Budget check in EBP |
772206 | Commitment Update in Service Purchase Orders |
76177 | Missing customizing and master data in IS-SW 1.2A |