150968 | Drill-down rptg:long runtimes for appropriatn req. |
139046 | IM: missing authorization checks in reporting |
162582 | Info system IM: settlements reduce actual values |
166984 | IM and PS reporting: plan values differ |
132742 | IM: Same plan version in several languages for F4 |
139745 | Drill-down reprtng: long runtimes for WBS elements |
152579 | IM reprtng:plan revenues of WBS elmnt were dsplayd |
72358 | Drill-down reporting: Report regeneration |
355193 | Incorrect plan/actual if deletion flags in project |
104585 | Drilldown rep variants for cap. investment programs |
37218 | CapInvProgs: actl. valus=0 or too low aftr sttlmnts |
300175 | Drlldwn rptg: no text or value check for 'Priority' |
161474 | Drilldown report: automatic generatn of all reports |
150272 | Drilldwn rptg: incor.exist.check for PrCtr and CCtr |
134621 | IM/PS reporting: Plan/budget/residual plan differ |
108642 | Rejected appropriation requests in info system |
60533 | Cap.inv.prog. drill-down rep.: perf. w/ order texts |
441646 | Plan incorrect if WBS elements w/ deletion flag in project |
117552 | Suppressing value categories in IM info system |
147513 | Drilldown report investment program: texts missing |
191714 | Performance reporting (WBS elements as measures) |
495726 | Overall plan incrct if WBS elemnt w/ deletn flag in project |
154173 | Cost elements not removed accord.to value category |
108840 | IM info system:Rounding difference w/ distributions |
186653 | IM-IS: Performance of WBS elements as measures |
68264 | Drill-down rep.: KH292 curr.tra.type 899 not defined |
96097 | Inconsist. cap.inv.program hierarchy after deletion |
140664 | Wrong distributed values after reassign position |
185651 | Drill-down : No F4 help for priority |
139290 | Budget categories: No data records in drilldown |
328342 | Drilldown report InvProgram: no export to Excel/XXL |
351379 | Drilldown reporting: version and valuation with user value f |
109566 | Characteristic display program position, measure |
62826 | Drill-down rep.: tech. names in rep./upgr. 2.2->3.0 |
127170 | Execute drilldown reports in the background |
29100 | Capital investment program: no plan versions |
130437 | IM reporting: Residual order plan overall incorrect |
41067 | Curr. dr-down rpts for cap. inv. prgs/app. req. |
130908 | Drlldwn rep.: Incor.values w/ act.enhancmt AAIP0002 |
613230 | IM drilldown: Use of selection options in 4.6B and 4.6C |
522728 | Problems in IM reporting due to WBS element w/ deletion flag |
192240 | Performance budget distribution |
83365 | Different open items display in IM and PS |
140586 | IM drilldown reporting: creating forms and reports |
48845 | Drill-d.rep. cap.inv.pgms: text for measure trunc. |
100460 | Several capital investment programs in one report |
68324 | IM reporting: Actual values reduced by settlement |
122555 | Transfer of scales < 4.0A into measure master |
92586 | Drill-dwn report.: text 20 char./truncated |
88776 | Planned values in appropriation request and measure |
91575 | Parallel hierarchies in capital investment program |
88484 | Cap.inv.prog. info.system: corresp. objects missing |
92148 | Drill-down reporting:val.display/"not assigned"vals |
41101 | IM Research: characterstcs frm PrgPos., measure and req. |
415078 | Authorization checks in IM reporting |
102627 | IM drilldown: Debugging help for drilldown reports |
50368 | IM Research: Currency translation |