992481 | Authorizations for transactions IM22 and IMCOC3 |
425860 | IM22: Reassignment apparently ineffective |
425961 | IM22: Wrong distr.values after reassigning (sending postn) |
96097 | Inconsist. cap.inv.program hierarchy after deletion |
26393 | IM: Maintaining coding masks not possible OR ... |
179479 | No change document for depreciation simulation data |
332551 | Missing investment program positions or AP100 |
53002 | Update termination SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC or hierarchy n |
133107 | IM: Incorrect distributed values after reassignment |
64624 | Cap.inv.prog.:err.in budget adj.after reassignment |
53060 | Wrong plan/budget after reass. of cap.inv.prog.pos. |
89147 | No possible entries for hierarchical position key |
109598 | Field selection f. capit.investment program positns |
46872 | Assign budgeted measure to cap.inv.prog. -> AP102 |
80057 | IM: Program position creation -> ASSIGN_LENGTH_0 |
40971 | IM: Assignment Pgm.pos<->Measures - AP114 / AP208 |
40952 | CIP: Ind. "budget distribution" not ready f. input |
39321 | Capital inv. prog.: Runtime error or EAP019/20/21/22 |
92508 | Consistency of cap. invest. prog. item - measures |
47672 | Budget distribution with budget types not possible |
140664 | Wrong distributed values after reassign position |
81762 | Budget/plan: Distributed values are incorrect |
41763 | Assignment of PM order to investment program |
48479 | Inv. programs: Only one top position possible? |
75042 | IM: wrong values after reassignment to new position |
356191 | FY variant program definition/controlling area different |
85137 | Capital/expense in appropriation request/inv. program |
70394 | CapInvProg: error in budget adj. after reassignment |
93527 | Cap.inv.programs: error after archiving measures |
161351 | Change to the name of an investment program |
75145 | CapInvPgm: wrong distributed budget after reassign. |
188229 | AP119: termination for internal number assignment |
180173 | Generic table control |
97352 | Error AP005 for upload of Inv.Program (RAIMUPLD) |
70716 | IM: Ass. of prog.positions <-> measures:AP114/AP208 |
35788 | IM: Budget/plan.values = 0 after update >3.0B or .. |
130216 | Program position not allowed for measure |
65430 | IM: Missing progam items in hierarchy or AP100 |
179207 | Cost center/profit center validity in investment programs |
149760 | Err BQ150-BQ163 after reassignmt program sub-tree |
300566 | Incorr.invstmnt prgrm strctr/gener.from enterp.org |
39152 | Old assets data takeover Capital Investment Program |