443627 | Expiring currencies with drill-down for line items |
114621 | Down payment request created in SD updates balances |
391532 | Update currency in line items |
155393 | Incorr.translation of account closing balance? |
114945 | EMU: Balance of adjustment account for class 001 |
79965 | No balances in parallel loc. currency, documents ok |
194842 | Poor performance when you display line items |
364878 | Reconciliation with FI-GL during the fiscal year |
107530 | EMU: balance display and line items |
176067 | Balance carryforward: Not equal to prev year closing balance |
315040 | Reconciliatn a/c for customers in a/c determination of FI-AA |
65940 | FBRA - Reversed items cannot be cleared (F5673) |
531248 | TaxRed.Law: Addition to Note 445148 |
98326 | Diff.betw.balnce disply and item ttl, ZUONR incorct |
130135 | MQ519 in RFEWUC1F(master rec.chge G/L account; OI) |
180906 | Logic of GLPCT update |
86067 | SAPF190: Differences INDIZES - BALANCES |
81906 | Error analysis 1KEH,1KEI,1KEJ,1KEK |
158254 | MQ519 in RFEWUC1F (open item managmnt + archiving) |
118177 | SAPF124/SAPF123W: 672(F5)/update currency inconsistent |
124301 | Reconciliation of AR/AP between PCA and FI |
104567 | Collective note Euro FI-AA: Analysis phase |