Transaction SAP FBZ1 - Comptabiliser encaissement

Notes associées
102932PCC CATT HD300024 will not post in foreground mode.
445216Incorrect customer number in cash discount line item
1322800FB05: Corrupt sorting of customer-specific fields
1073742FB05: System variant not taken into account
108746Bank charges in non-clearing documents
217250Withholding tax w/payment transactions
307237 Clearing OI: withholding tax line item disappears
133654Rounding/exch. rate differences in third currency
385228Cursor branches to field which is not ready for input
898246 FI: Clearing rules are ignored
165307Incorrect automatic lines for clearing entries
17649Selected items are inactive for FB05
331202Required field check for automatically genrtd clearing items
1228601FB05: When are certain display variants used?
504044Incorrect values for down payment clearing item
300929User settings for table control in OI processing
104491FB03: Amounts in same currency are different
175014Clearing causes different results
205311Extended withholding tax: Error 7Q328 or F5787