868613 | F-05: Entering foreign currency valuation for ledger group |
448389 | Refresh global tables in function group FBB1 |
551893 | Error 00344 when processing a batch input session |
1314785 | Asset adjustment posting to single ledger groups (II) |
67464 | Business Area may not be filled for RXD or COAC |
992566 | NewGL: Postings with wrong debit credit indicator |
1074943 | FBB1 - FAGL_FC_VALU tax stmnt for foreign currency valuation |
208563 | Imbalanced ventures |
189936 | High rounding differences after a EURO changeover |
191039 | Transfer prices: Foreign currency valuation missing |
68003 | Bank Switching incorrect for realised exchange gain |
98832 | RGJVRXDT: Field DMBE2 / DMBE3 in not an input field |
1267898 | GJCB: Zero transaction amount causes error in NewGL splitter |
304383 | Account call check fails |
158953 | Settlement in parallel currency not the same as FI debit |
100926 | Joint Venture: Parallel currency wrong in document |
1331317 | EhP3: Authorization check for profit center |
411064 | Clearing customer/vendor: F5060 due to balance in 2nd LC |
449744 | STO: Exchange rate differences between LC and PC |
373296 | Valuation during GR for foreign currency purchase order |
1592904 | FI consistency check in advance of migration to NewGL |
128498 | EURO: Changes and innovations in payment transactns |
64805 | ALLOCATION: Find error in cycles |