1061175 | Tax Reduction Act FI: Authorization check in FAGLL03&FAGLB03 |
975068 | Incorrect line item display in transaction FAGLB03 |
1029639 | FAGLB03: Drill down incorrect despite Notes 999742/1005736 |
1223997 | Amounts incorrect in FAGLB03 navigation to FAGLL03 and FB03 |
999742 | FAGLB03: Drilldown for the 'Total' line is incorrect |
1005736 | FAGLB03: Incorrect drilldown for "Cumulative balance" |
1047254 | FAGLB03: Drilldown using 'Total' incorrect with periods < 12 |
1021174 | FS10N: Drilldown -> differences despite Note 970096 |
1071903 | FAGLB03: Balance carryforward/cum balance: Migration problem |
865353 | Balance display 'No data found for fiscal year 2005' |
1161837 | FAGLB03: Balance <> Total of open items for OI selection |
1041753 | FAGLB03: Special periods are not displayed correctly |
1168430 | FS10N: Display 'classic' balances when new G/L is active II |
1062329 | FAGLB03: 'Month' in ledger with more than 16 periods |
1580227 | FAGLB03: "Month" field incorrect for individual account |
1355836 | FAGLL03: special fields not filled for a non-leading ledger |
989553 | FAGLB03: Field 'Month' is not filled correctly |
1518077 | New GL Corrections to the General ledger Chile (RFCLLIB02) |
930799 | New balance display: Ledger with more than 16 periods |
1407784 | FAGLB03: Special periods nt dsplyd crrctly (addtional chars) |
1492534 | FAGLL03: Posting key is not always filled |
1007825 | FAGLL03: Field 'Cost element' not provided for accrual |
1005733 | FAGLL03: 'Cost element' field missing for custom selection |
1155999 | FS10N: Displaying 'classic' balances when new G/L is active |
935189 | GDPdU, enhancements in the composite role SAP_AUDITOR_TAX |
1492533 | FAGLL03: Ledger group not always filled |
961937 | Document splitting: Master data zero balance clearing acct |
1158830 | New G/L: Reading balances from GLT0 |
862523 | mySAP ERP New General Ledger: New functions as of SP 10 |
1135916 | Line items: Help for analysis for long runtime |