Transaction SAP ETRANSF - Exéc. masse comptabilisat. agrégée

Notes associées
1091378ETRANSF: FI-AP document -Refernce missing in TINV_INV_TRANSF
1105955ETRANSF: Inconsistent bill data and CO account assignment
1068019ETRANSF: Error >0 200 in job log
1105030ETRANSF: Check for inconsistent data is missing (SP09)
1277471ETRANSF: termination with error FF 762
1113344ETRANSF: Error >0 200 in job log (Support Package 9)
1261589ETRANSF: Special case different plus/minus sign; gross <> 0
1501484REDEREG_ETRANSF_REV: Error in reading table DFKKOP; E9 014
1067276ETRANSF: Consolidation of aggr. posting (w/o enhancement)
1538393ETRANSF: Posting reverse charge terminates with >0 162
1121437ETRANSF: Check for inconsistent data is missing - Part II
1580026ETRANSF: Transfer data consistency check (LINE_CONTENT)
1262455ETRANSF: No reverse charge posting possible (FI-AP)
1606291INVMON, ETRANSF: Checking consistency of transfer data
1124836ETRANSF: Missing funcs before Support Package 09 for ERP 600
1090019INVMON/ETRANSF:Determining aggregated contract account (SP9)
1045333ETRANSF: Document must be payed separately in payment run
1087383ETRANSF: Missing zero tax lines and special cases (of SP9)
1045837ETRANSF: Deregulation processes - Reference field INVCAT
1260852ETRANSF: Aggregated posting not created for special cases
1164504ETRANSF: Determining posting date from invoice data
1021557Downgrade ERP2005 SP9 - Aggregated Posting (Supplier Side)
1116148ETRANSF: Error >0 146 mit tax amount or tax base