Transaction SAP EL28 - Saisie individuelle

Notes associées
891061EL28 interval check and suppression logic
217182Assessing - Execution although no assessing exists
967468EL28 Estimates for old date when meter reading date changes
790681EL28 Move-in or move-out date can be changed
1127474EL28 System determines an expected consumption of zero
963624EL28 No check for change of the meter reading date
169050Entering double meter readings using EL28
212274Error message EL452
1539386Different meter reading date during order creation with EL28
300181Dialog box during order creation to device level
885807EL28 Whole number and dec places aft modification not checkd
183375Process meter read. orders of tech. installed devices
171184Creating billing orders after cancellation
166874Dependent validation: Cosine phi
149961Overestimation factor with estimation of MR results
177656Performance optimization within order creation
163501Dependent validations not run through
186651Met. read. dataproc.: multpl trig. of ident. events
151163Event: ENTEREDIMPLAUSIBLE not triggered
163360Validation 96 - Fixed value deviation
200660Scheduled billing date in meter reading results
306267Independent validation: Fixed value deviation
170525Overview information for validations
162904EL28:Serial switching - MR entry f. secondary meter
167728Dependent validations: Short dump BCD_ZERODIVIDE
171972Single entry: meter reading reason = contract change
158676Extrapolation from period of previous year
303353Extrapolation with base period category 'X'
162565EL28: Entry for double-rate meters - MR status = 0
169549Overview information for validations
308927Assessing with "real overflow"
190433Meter reading to be billed differs from read MR
208464Uploading MR results: plausibility check 96
162164Correction for MR results:No consumption adjustment
166677Status update for billing data record
1504438EL28/ICWC: Meter reading type when estimated w/ changed date
1180536Active estimatn for resetting register during MR at move-in
311677EL27: Consumption not adjusted when MR changed
169607Billing data record status update
173223Termination of interpolation
165881Overview information for validation data processing: device 'choose' incorrect
1574662Expected meter reading in overview of validations
156510Suppression of meter reading orders
167378Determining forecast start and forecast end
158685Extrapolation termination for fixed value weighting
335999EL28: EL401 future meter reading lower
201982Enter MR results: No consideration of future MRs
168254Update of a maintenance order
151862Nonact. instal.aft.instal./remov.&move-in/out cycle
186955Mult. meter read. order creation w. dev. replacemnt
195559Endless loop in order creation reg. relationship
177180Rounding decimal places for multiple registers
329644MR estimation: Overflow during arithmetic operation
214924EL28:Assessing prformd w.real readng rsult
206015Interpolation of several MRs within entry interval
149936Ignoring leading zeros for meter reading result
188309MR entry: Tolerance limit valid. for sev. periods
309840EL27 - EL29: EL401 also with balancing registers
202822Periodic order creation for device
184735Incorrect error message with order creation
168249EL27: No SM order with control reading order
196043EASIBI: Incorrect extrapolation budget billing plan
154237Extrapolation after device replacement: Error E9014
215492Extrapolation for balancing consumption registers
172393Extrapolation of move-in meter readings
171410Repair f. repeated order creation (add.Note 170423)
152010Extrapolation after device replacement: Error E9014
158032Extrapolation of balancing consumption registers
188210Meter reading estimation: meter reader is deleted
165677Wrong error class for tolerance limit validations
148980Update of events at entry
186696Assessing workflow not started
302024EL28: Meter reading date ready for input f. move-in
203739Interpolation on account of control MR order
151877Meter reading order creation during deregulation
304599Extrapolation with base period category 'X'
162271Extrapolation from period of previous year
200306Meter reading result extrapolated incorrectly
149079Avoidance of double meter reading results on entry
158921Display of forecast period in bill printout
172514Term. in extrapolation during fixed value weighting
187111Decimal places with meter reading results
209788Identical meter reading time with meter readings
166159Consider disconnection periods for extrapolation
304127MR type - entry of MR disconnection / move-in/out
332323Assessing: Assessing not triggered
162659EL28 Prog. termination when accessing w. MR reason
160112EL28: Meter reading type customer/estimation
184874Extrapolation w/o estimated meter reading results
174039Deregulation change of contract: Fixed MR date
145527Meter reading entry: Consumption determination
188364Processing MR documents of uninstalled devices
188562Scheduled billing date in meter reading results
145637Entry of MR results with change of supplier
188855Meter reading data: List of information on validation
166955Meter reading results with different MR date
197610Assessing not recognized w. over-run estimatd value