Transaction SAP EC70 - Saisie rapide Em-/dé +Dém-emménagemt

Notes associées
674928EC70+Effi: Meter readings are not tranferred at move-in
765513Master data generator does not transfer telephone #s
693413ECRMREPL EC70: Corrections for AOP SAPKIPUJ17 IS-U/CCS 4.64
677095EC70+Effi: Move-in meter reading results not saved
677039EC70: Product validity is not checked
728439EC70+effi does not save all meter readings at move-in
838533EC70 - Status of parked document
715431EC70: No messages appear with plausibility validations
663239Effi: Corrections for the error monitor
704480EC70: Incorrect delivery customizing
695546EC70: Info sets UT_EC70_01 and UT_EC70_02 are missing
864263EC50E, EC60 default value if MR is outside interval
674295Move-in fast entry: Incorrect payment class check
643424EC70: Error due to disconnection on contract account level
1089017Secure handling of credit card data in IS-U
1135481EC70: Display default move-in value returns incorrect value
752117EC70: Welcome letter or budget billing plan incomplete
677175EC70: Master data template / tips & tricks