Transaction SAP COIO - Système d'info. des ordres PP-PI

Notes associées
168311COID: Process material: Material number missing
168415Order Info System:no selection of process material
103170Process materials in the order information system
144386Order info system: wrong process order displayed
105715CO26/CO28: Reversed confirmations
355816Authoriztn check missing whn branching to transactn
597098COOIS: Field 'Special procurement key' always initial
612177Inconsistent long texts in the process order
540779FAQ: Information system
115129CO26/CO28: Display IOCONF-STZHL
457787Collective SAP note: Advice notes ATP check
166895CO26-28: Export from order information system
97762OIS:Expectd yield variance, expectd varince missing
591622COID / COIO : Export to Excel does not work
449944Process materials in production planning
151082Field 'Batch' cannot be displayed in order header
540803FAQ: Mass processing
97507CO26/CO28: Error P5011: 'Feld &-& not in TMC73'
321803Explanatory notes on the ATP Customizing