858473 | CO40, CO48, Component quantities in multi-item order |
205505 | CO40-exclusn partl conv for some plannd order types |
179103 | Part.convers. planned order:Termin.aft.init.screen |
146511 | Partial conversn of planned order, incorct deletion |
540614 | Partial conversn: Wrong component qntities in collctve order |
118395 | COMPUTE_FLOAT_ZERODIVIDE in part./collect. convers. |
142552 | Part. conv. of plnd collective orders not possible |
167859 | Frthr part.convrsn plannd order no genertn pssble |
546181 | Collective conversn: Incorrect dialg box in availablty check |
145046 | Partial conversion of planned order not cancelled |
364906 | Partl convrsn pl.ordr:unwntd chnge to othr pl.ordrs |
153683 | Part.conv.plnd ord.: qty of dep.orders in col.order |
181956 | Partial convrsn plannd order:generatn despite error |
320055 | Partl conversn plannd ordr: plannd ordrs not deletd |
118443 | Part.cnvrsnPlndOrd:no updt o.cap.reqmts,PlndOrd.del |
380389 | ONR00 entries for object types O1, O2 without KBED |
160818 | Partial cnvrsion plnnd collctve ord, compnent loss |
119473 | Update termination during partial conversion w.CO40 |
520081 | ONR00 entries for object types O1, O2 without KBED |
172612 | Prt.conv.plnd ordr: Rmain. qty o.dep.ordrs n.adjstd |
191279 | Operation: Status WCRE, although resource allowed |
145847 | Part.conv. plannd order, behavior when errors occur |
388127 | Partial conversion of planned order:Inconsistent prod.orders |
216446 | ONR00 entries for object types 01, O2 without KBED |
186957 | Various dumps and other problems w. capacity reqs |
163907 | Partial conver.plnd order,scrap qty,not rounded up |
1421880 | System issues error message CBRC_REGCHECK 092 unnecessarily |
316081 | ONR00 entries for object types O1, O2 without KBED |
596448 | CRTs for the add-on DIMP |