130769 | Availability check production orders |
62026 | Status filter from Customizing is ignored |
141816 | CO26: Missing planning plant in order header |
66929 | CO28, order header: No mat. no., no mat. short text |
102628 | CO26/CO28: Field 'Procurement type' is blank |
168311 | COID: Process material: Material number missing |
198048 | Collective release: Release flag set incorrectly |
48527 | CO26: IOHEADER-GLTRI and -GWEMG not filled |
145895 | CO28: Batch input not possible in the background |
81623 | By-products: Various qty. fields not in CO28/CO26 |
100109 | CO26/CO28: Purchasing group is not displayed |
168415 | Order Info System:no selection of process material |
96962 | Collective availability check w. sales order stock |
63073 | ATP incorrect log entries for collectv avail.check |
168576 | Termination TABLE_INVALID_INDEX in coll.avail.check |
197542 | CO28: Exception ORDER_NOT_FOUND |
65586 | CO26: Incorrect quantity for material components |
205049 | COHV: No scheduling in mass processing |
103170 | Process materials in the order information system |
363255 | COHV: Business transaction not checked |
45697 | Error in user filter from Customizing |
415574 | Co28: Incor. confirm. for collect. check of collective order |
336864 | Error w/ integration after coll. availability check |
92571 | Order info system: error when exporting to MS Excel |
184825 | Collective release slow & uses up a lot of memory |
196706 | COHV: Processing repeated in spite of termination |
356922 | Authorization check in mass processing |
95256 | CO26/CO28: Material group for component not filled |
204522 | COHV: Termination 'DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND' |
100845 | ATP incor.confirmed quantities cllctve availability |
395258 | CO28, COOIS: The Long Text Language field is not filled |
198932 | ATP messages are missing in the release log |
196674 | COHV: Status 'Release rejected' is not set |
534774 | COHV: Performance of availability check for collective order |
196645 | COHV: Entry ERROR_MESSAGE in job log |
428420 | COHV: incorrect/incomprehensive message in the log (AVOT) |
397998 | COOIS, CO28: confirmed service |
145922 | Incorrect updating buffer in ATP server |
83359 | CO28: Error during export in Excel Pivot table |
102084 | ATP collective availability check, message 61588 |
328109 | COMAC: Collective orders are checked incorrectly |
112271 | ATP collective availability check |
71173 | ATP collective availability check with quantity block |
319305 | Different confirmed quantity order header CO02/CO28 |
436134 | CO28, CO27: Dump CONVT_NO_NUMBER during Excel export |
105715 | CO26/CO28: Reversed confirmations |
352093 | IOC: Performance improvement authorization check |
71132 | Availability check:Subsequent operation not checked |
194389 | Collective processing of production orders in background |
355816 | Authoriztn check missing whn branching to transactn |
567503 | Derivation runs for completed orders |
95694 | Status MSPT/MACM in collective availability check |
124585 | Error in Note 120736 |
204838 | Collective availability check doesn't execute check |
43010 | PIS: several user filters |
179677 | Inadequate error messg CO820 in availability check |
65475 | ATP incorrect confirmation factor in CO28 |
156760 | Error in Note 84185 |
80255 | CO26/CO28: LTXA1 for components is not in TMC73 |
130103 | Incorrect results availability check |
446000 | Display long text from information system: Message CN129 |
676743 | R/3->APO: incorrect ATP check due to manual reservations |
136921 | Termination during availability check in background |
61517 | ATP error in the collective availability check |
178680 | CO26/CO28/COOIS: Operation and component selection |
95731 | CO28: Incorrect export to Excel |
519925 | COOIS, CO26: Fields for delay are not displayed |
90452 | CO26/CO28: KZAVC for order header not in TMC73 |
442816 | Collective avail. check: Short dump DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL |
540352 | Modification: No termination if locks in collective ATP |
442716 | COHV: Complete job terminates due to error in an order |
93861 | CO26/28: deli. quant. in order header is missing |
135262 | Update sales order during collective availability check |
160575 | CO26-28:Error for summation, grouping, Excel |
124910 | ATP qty over-confirmation collctve availbilty check |
397431 | Assembly processing: Collective availability check |
160524 | Error V1042 after Note 135262 |
162410 | CO26-CO28: Unclear error message for status object |
908826 | COOIS: Texts from RCOTX000 not copied to the ALV grid |
112788 | CO28: Incorrect column titles in export to Excel |
513066 | ATP check for not completely read collective orders |
83503 | CO26/CO28: no summation of setup + processing time |
194395 | Mass processng w/ parallel processng causes errors |
136973 | Misleading message CO282 of availability check |
68363 | No selectn of del.ind.(for comp.)in order info sys. |
68018 | Update termination when saving the order |
565306 | Weak performance during order archive caused by derivation |
429895 | Bulk mat. and discontinued parts proced./alternatives procg |
180899 | Message CO570 in availability check |
367490 | COMAC+ coll. orders: missing parts in leading order |
145838 | Error in ATP buffer after collective availab. check |
520408 | Short dump COMPUTE_BCD_OVERFLOW with ATP check |
146772 | Mssng parts info system:Fld slction fr grpng profls |
497685 | R/3->APO: COM-error after collective availability check |
120736 | Availability check:batch split in alternative group |
115129 | CO26/CO28: Display IOCONF-STZHL |
192429 | Modification CO26-CO28: User dependent parameters not copied |
379073 | CO26/CO28: Formatting of WBS element |
451915 | Runtime error when changing a production order |