Transaction SAP CCMSBISETUP - Configurer contenu fonctionnel CCMS

Notes associées
1303112ST: Error during BI Content Activation for E2E RCA
1119686CCMS Reporting Suite scenario
1083864ST: BI Process Chains for E2E Workload Analysis
1552497Top WS Calls: Web template cannot be loaded
1107804ST: E2E Diagnostics with ST-400 SP13 - SP16 / BI Content
1306820Selfcheck:CCMS BI setup reports permission error (SP18 / 19)
979581Installing and configuring the CCMS BI Content
1108901SP15 - E2E Change Analysis - Transport Requests
1225295E2E Diagn - Configuration Validation Reporting - overview
1119766E2E Diagnostics: RAISE_EXCEPTION - BI objects inactive
807072DataSources for ABAP and distributed statistics data