Transaction SAP ABAO - Sortie immob. par vente sans client

Notes associées
163433Asset sale in foreign currency
1547825Return to variant transaction II
173163Dflt a/c ass.f." ast.ret." does not work
40234Part.retirement creates postg.w.incorr. +/- sign
1600761Return to variant transaction III
113212NR751 when posting to fixed asset by TA ABxx
396001No field status check w/ postings to asset bal.sheet acct
53981EAA494 when you try to post retirements/transfers
86447RWIN: Incomplete documents
455659Derived account assignment not as expected
562532Incorrect values with last retirement on group asset
23814Retirement of capital inv. measure -> error AK005
97097Collective note for euro FI-AA: after changeover