136231 | Trans.CU51: Saved valuation not displayed |
154986 | Missing components when order BOM is converted |
155915 | Order BOM with KMAT for class node |
175028 | Order BOM - not configurable - CU51E |
111834 | 4.5A Missing items in Transaction CU51 |
132778 | CU51:Not configurable material dump "SET_CLASSTYPE" |
129296 | 4.0B+: CU51: Valuation for instance is lost/dump |
88055 | Rel.3.1I: New configurable matrl items in order BOM |
136249 | CU51: Header material is material variant |
129377 | 4.0B+:CU51:Dump when cllng rslt frm config.strctre |
131635 | CU51 Charcteristic value assignmt for root instance |
130621 | 4.5A: Incorrect order BOM explosion in MRP |
125835 | 3.1I+ Manual items in master data view |
315959 | Comp.conv.from CU51 (missing components in routing) |
509243 | Deadlocks/performance MDVM during BOM changes |
165921 | CU51: Automatic component allocation by report |
315254 | CU51: Blocking task list groups |
96003 | 3.1I: Missing char. value assignment for order BOM |
90549 | 3.1I: Missing valuation in order BOM |
183786 | Loss of configuration through language change |
303878 | The interface design is lost |
175001 | Missing configuration from earlier release |
182435 | Incorrect navigation in char. value assignment |
158790 | Release 4.0B: Valuation is lost |
442363 | CU51 Application log: 'BOM is recursive' |
125623 | 3.1+ Inconsistncy order BOM according to Note 96003 |
83442 | update termination in the order BOM |
124306 | CU51:Trmination w.exception KEY_INCOMPLETE GET_STKO |
178288 | Release 4.0B+ display error in class item |
165516 | Conversion of component assignment sales order BOM |
171206 | 40B: Valuation is changed unintentionally |
139627 | Low-level code in sales order BOM |
513288 | Material variant as a component in multi-level configuration |
175611 | @3Z@ Data transfer of configuration in 4.5 |
176023 | Missing configuration from old release II |
131631 | CU51 Char. value assignmnt - incorrect author info. |
124370 | Characteristic value justification user vs. default |
560898 | Long runtime during type matching on result screen |
531237 | Price data in sales order and work breakdown structure BOM |
83658 | Rel. 3.1I: order BOM manually changed items |
436928 | Order Change Management |
131740 | Variant configuration in Release 4.5A |
334767 | Several order BOMs exist for a material |
653530 | Variant not withdrawn or replaced by type matching |
647816 | CU51: Replacing class nodes by material variant |
686396 | No serial number display in production order |
653718 | Screen changes for SAP GUI 620 (compare w. Note 570861) |
587721 | Configuration profile "Single-level" in different releases |
149415 | CU51: Error for component allocation task list/BOM |
111282 | @1B@ Searching for notes in LO-VC |
397059 | Class item: automatic specialization |
145322 | Sales order plan: component conversion |
1394961 | User exits and BAdIs in the variant configuration |