148043 | Termination: Unable to interpret 'X' as a number |
86482 | 3.1I CU50 routing simulation - PRT |
73610 | 3.1H: CU50 'Multi-level task list configuration' |
85237 | 3.1I:sales order entry change BOM -> task list |
205887 | Costing of CP/AFS material via other applications |
120315 | CU50:Object list task list-PRT material, doc., equi |
123270 | 4.5B Interface design max. number of groups/tabs |
85236 | 3.1I:CU50 obj.depndncs display f.standard task list |
66550 | 3.1G class item and restrictable characteristics |
119634 | CU50:List of results tsk lst/work centr PLPOD-ARBPL |
160303 | Specializing class nodes through ref.characteristcs |
339283 | Termination in type matching |
113563 | Multi-level configuration on request |
123591 | CU50 Chnge reslt/mster data scrn i.char.val.assgmnt |
65215 | 3.1G: 'Internal_Error' during configuration |
74915 | 3.1H: Char.val.asgnmt inconsistency/missing values |
85577 | 3.1I User interface design w. more than 15 buttons |
86667 | Rel.3.1I: Inconsistncs due to static default vals.. |
186040 | Type matching and specialization of class node II |
163561 | Inconsistency - configurator not permanently active |
82179 | 31I Display object dependencies in CU50 |
140302 | Usr intrfce dsgn Error when assigning no.s intrnlly |
73584 | 3.1H CU50: Object change BOM <-> Standard task list |
74675 | 3.1I: User interface design disappears |
79032 | 3.1I: Inconsistencies in charact. value assignment |
494327 | Error when/after creating cost estimate f config.materials |
303878 | The interface design is lost |
192663 | Class node: Inconsistency during new selection 2 |
152948 | Hiding user-defined characteristics |
158790 | Release 4.0B: Valuation is lost |
206363 | Modeling for the planning variant (documentation) |
175999 | Delete order: alternative component not deleted |
178288 | Release 4.0B+ display error in class item |
156891 | Reference characteristics with conversion routines |
171206 | 40B: Valuation is changed unintentionally |
156425 | Conversion of reference characteristic |
121900 | Configuration - not continuously active |
513288 | Material variant as a component in multi-level configuration |
93739 | CL02 - Changing class with eng. change management |
112549 | Char.s with preconditions in user interface design |
631062 | Configuration with individual requirements |
187001 | Interface design: characteristics sequence for tab |
84955 | 4.5A: No values set for UDEF characteristics |
606725 | Characteristic value assgmt screen: Error with subscreen |
66379 | 3.1G: Incorrect relationships in MRP, performance |
102617 | CU50 user interface fct. cancel / add charact. |
311483 | Class node: Material Requirements Planning |
126072 | Performance problems in variant configuration |
72685 | Rel. 3.1H problems with user interface design |
653718 | Screen changes for SAP GUI 620 (compare w. Note 570861) |
388803 | XPRA RCCUVLXP incorrect variant table sorting |
587721 | Configuration profile "Single-level" in different releases |
554749 | Stopping explosion only on request |
213429 | Performance variant matching |
1121318 | Analysis of the performance of dependency knowledge in VC |
207549 | Termintn DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL in program LIBSELSQL |
206328 | XPRA RCCUVLXP contents of variant table incorrect |
409442 | XPRA RCCUVLXP incorrect variant table content III |
456510 | Material variant in multi-level configuration |
211617 | ORA-1406 error/ ORA-1400 Cannot insert NULL |
1081650 | Modeling tips for the use of the IPC |
121906 | Modeling variant planning strategy 54 |
336842 | Characteristics not allowed for type matching |
113288 | Usage probability in characteristics planning |
109223 | Incorrect overheads for costing for sales order |
397059 | Class item: automatic specialization |
1394961 | User exits and BAdIs in the variant configuration |