Transaction SAP CS12 - Nomenclature multiniveau

Notes associées
578261BOM explosion, incorrect quantities for print output
533303BOM is exploded incorrectly - short dump
385981Incorrect scrap calculation in the BOM explosion report
734619Multilevel AFS BOM explosion, some components not displayed
556149BOM base quantity is not taken into account for explosion
132475AFS: BOM explosion (simualtion) for NO_GRID
125533AFS: BOM explosion simulation: category check
352920BOM explsn.-missing dimension consideration for nogrid matls
434837Unit of measure of the grid values not in logon language
322893BOM explosion AFS fields are not displayed
178707Explde BOM mat.+component nogrid no qunty calcultn
377528BOM explosion report, short dump for F4 help
740814Multilevel AFS BOM explosion, wrong components are displayed
125841AFS: Problems with Bom-explosion simulation report
414016BOM explosion: replaced class nodes and recursiveness
134611BOM explosion; Rounding problems
323469BOM explsion-incor.comp.quantity for stndd & nogrid material
351223BOM explosion - category not taken into account
373104Reportings of BOM explosion without AFS data
497771Explosion configured material in sales order BOM
170020Scrolling in BOM evaluations
151795multi level BOM explosion AFS wrong quantities
210127BOM explosion - disply of scrap quantity multiplied
141517Data inconsistency 29002->MAST without STKO or STZU
115136Rounding logic in BOM explosion/Customizing
903552FAQ - AFS production control and execution