179987 | Error in BOM entry via IDoc |
202549 | BOM maintenance - incorrect sizes |
420749 | Classes are dissolved too often for recursiveness check |
141153 | AFS Grid-Sorting in Bill of material |
401055 | Assignment of low-level code - class item too often expanded |
415149 | Incorrect or no BOM explosion with J3AD |
150449 | Assignment of low-level code when co-product used |
169141 | Item category of a component in bills of material |
60832 | Bills of material: Update termination |
312940 | Copy BOM for SameGrid material |
158215 | Short Dump in VA01 : CONVT_NO_NUMBER |
158237 | Missing error check on dimensions in BOM maintnance |
192452 | Messge 8J967 for BOM maintenance standard component |
337062 | BOM maintenance - grid of not yet valid component |
84159 | Component allocation of phantom assemblies |
207764 | BOM maintnnce fr classf. componnts sizs are rejcted |
156919 | CS01 / CS02 / CS03 Navigational buttons missing or not worki |
152783 | Item overview:'Change number to' not displayed |
206397 | BOM maintenance - Grid quantities disappear |
217141 | Incorrect unit of measure in J_3ABOMD |
151326 | Hanging BOM update |
501491 | Importing BOM with long text via batch input |
393183 | Creating AFS BOMS with change number via IDoc |
390487 | Wrong value for field XSUMME in Grid Entry screen |
191645 | Copy BOM - size info might be lost when you change |
362348 | Maintain BOM - grid values stored at incor. compnnt |
305237 | Copy BOM - size-dependent quantities not updated |
97783 | BOM: Maximum low-level code 999 reached |
187220 | BOM shows several columns for NOGRID material |
316350 | Error in matl cst estmte thrgh neg.comp.qties i.BOM |
415563 | Copying BOM: Size changes are saved incorrectly |
377098 | Maintain BOM - short dump during fast entry |
172284 | Create BOM via batch input,check grid valid. date |
171869 | AFS quantities are deleted |
310075 | Missing or incorrect grid value is displayed |
208857 | BOM error for closed variant for standard material |
485443 | CS: Program SAPLCSDI screen 100 field RC29N-REVLV hidden |
370860 | CS02: Long runtime for check on class recursiveness |
167138 | Change & Incorrect Components in BOM maintenance |
1606757 | LORD: Message V1 596 missing in the log |
460151 | Performance low-level code assignment: Expansion classes |
40530 | BOM becomes recursive |
358145 | Maintain BOM - grid values are not stored |
401374 | Copy BOM: flag 'Grid values maintained' set incorrectly |
382942 | Maintain BOM - grid entries are not displayed |
1169255 | Status MVA0 of the user interface SAPLCSDI missing |
730989 | Different Grid component behaves like same grid component |
147216 | Creating BOMs (copying) - deleting 1st component |
107109 | MM02, CS02: Material in BOM delete physically |
375591 | BOM line entry for header matl= NOGRID not possible |
869534 | AFS MRP doesn't work properly with all BOM item categories |
952382 | Changes made to AFS BOM not saved when msg 8J 964 is issued |
147204 | AFS: Loading BOMs in BDC sessions. Dev qty not available |
509243 | Deadlocks/performance MDVM during BOM changes |
318611 | BOM maint.- no neg.qties for compnents w/ SKU qties |
744745 | Maintaining quantities for AFS BOM through tree entry dumps |
534705 | BOM maintenance - distribution profile for NOGRID material |
324740 | Error low-level code assgnmt for follow-up material |
85143 | Bill of material: Validity of the follow-up item |
351992 | 8J980 AFS MRP rule not found f.std matl/grid value |
178785 | Creating class item ->no BI data screen 706 |
406137 | Quantity distribution profile, error for NOGRID material |
81362 | BOM: Creation terminates due to recursive variants |
456105 | BOM maintnnce - distribtn profile for fast entry grid values |
613194 | Different Matrixscreen for BOM components |
170738 | AFS: inconsistency between IDoc status and application |
448512 | Class recursiveness - Positioning not possible |
415431 | Update termination A29376 Class & & does not exist |
85183 | Copy from/extending BOM from other plant |
520825 | Data inconsistency: STZU and STPO without MAST, STKO, STAS |
82564 | Incorrect assignment of low-level code for class item |
323449 | Quantty distributn profile error for identicl Grids |
115455 | Non-stock item: update and display price data |
109550 | Search for recursive BOM with follow-up material |
186216 | Incorrect low-level codes in table MDVM |
208776 | Batch Input:Customer flds mssng f.variable-sze itms |
324980 | Modif.: low-level code do not adjust co-products |
47732 | Material is still used in bill of material |
385138 | Analysis of the BOM history in the dialog |
502476 | Categories in BOMs are not saved |
167523 | Missing recursiveness check for class item |
484640 | Update termination 29281: Maximum low-level code 999 reached |
1461666 | BOMBOS transfers inactive bills of material |
1366619 | APO-Add-On: Masterdata Check Monitor |
453755 | No status check when converting plnd order to productn order |
1243544 | Missing authorization check for called transactions |
140573 | Low-level code 999 for joint production |
19006 | Deleting a variant BOM with history requirement |
1021948 | TR CA01: Incorrect long text and short text. |
28306 | Selection of the alternative BOM in production order |
161742 | Consulting note: BOM recursion/low-level code 999 |
191470 | Purchase order as an e-mail |
720762 | Serialization of the BOM update/low-level code |
672577 | Initializing STPO-REKRI |
1654225 | Derivation of customer specific fields in table FCML_MAT |
71595 | @1B@Search help for notes regarding routings |
912858 | FAQ's on AFS-SD |