Transaction SAP VL04 - Traitement échéancier des livraisons

Notes associées
44673VL04: Delivery split in stock transport order
202287Docu sts determined incor. after dely note creation
391241CS: delivery for stock transport order: identical deliveries
44677VL04: Error VL384 for different units of measure
7238VL04: Error during the shipping index determination
123888ARun / Sammellieferungen zu Umlagerbestellungen
445488VL04/VL10: Dialog box 'Shipping due date processing conv.'
34235Incorrect weight in delivery due list display VL04
145446Performance for delivery
144527Maintenance in VL10
142189VL04: Delivery items deleted incorrectly (2)
21682Runtime of VL04: Process delivery due list
321713VL04: VL01 instead of VL01N and no return from log
61469No deliveries created from orders in delivery due list
330077VL04: Number of comments in log is too low
174561No authorization check for Transaction VL04
135848MSO correction for VL04 selection ( A-run drop )
84938VL04 - negative ATP qty during batch determination
132063VL04 Shipping index EKUB only partially reduced
581518CS: Assignments in status F for consignment delivery
360887SIS: Incorrect update during collective update
60098Shipping index is not updated during MRP
433459CS: Complete delivery in collective processing
139346Performance improv VL04 from stock transport order
135022Collective picking list does not update picking qty
391294MM-PUR create delivery for stock transport order
152972'Delivery completed' docus exist in worklist
117825VL04:No dely due list if stock transp.ordr changed
354249CS delivery: Delivery groups via Transaction VL04
40004Time_out:Creating delivery with qnty correlation
117467Delivery Due List Times Out
400498Incorrect delivery due index for delivery for stock trans.
380464MM-PUR: GLMNG and WAMNG in EKET are incorrect
121670Schedul. line of sls ords delivered more than once
316638Performance of data selection VL04 (RV50SBT1)
383254VL10: Dialog <--> Background
388587Support of Quantity Conversion in Transaction VL04/VL10*
629679Composite SAP Note: Free goods for deliveries
29021Output determination for VL04
147521APO: Stock transp.order w.qntty 0 on receipt side
135370VL04: Order combination and complete delivery
53713VL04 - incomplete selection during stock transfer
47533VL04: Incorrect item numbering in delivery
150766Combining outstanding stock transport orders
651294Call Transaction VL01N: Predecessor is not blocked
78959Partial delivery of delivery groups in VL04
87788Undoing Note 87106: VL04 picking list printout
191939Component supplier: MCVBEL incorrect for VL04/VL10
133249Purchase order blocked when you create delivery
447962Delivery cannot be created
72481Modification: Allow incomplete delivery groups in VL04/VL10
84221Delivery group check for partial. delivered items
111699Termination in VL04/VL10, incorrect item status
116490Increase performance for VAS in delivery
396159Delivery items for bill of material items
31460Delivery block does not work with VL04
339937VL04/VL10: order combination vs. complete delivery
16711Work lists: All items are selected
115213VL04: Poor performance during update
180005Overdeliveries w/ transfer posting purchase orders
132747MSO delivery creation not working with new partners
577331AFS: Error F5807 in GI - split deliveries that are too large
215488Combining PO item schedule lines in a delivery item
30438Factory calendar not taken into account during stoc
129293Returns with valuated stock w/o split items
359266CS: Inc. del. qty in LF for stock transport order
81850Order combination with packing proposal
46369VL04 for sales orders and purchase orders
156439Lock situations during order/delivery creation
127075VL04: QS message not in log, abort
84660Display error for stock transport order in VL04
359806VL04/VL10: Order combination vs. complete delivery
4505Duprec when adding delivery (VL04, VL01, VL10*)
52918Collective note for stock transfer orders with SD 30*
141541Dely in scheduling agreement:Incorrct weight/volume
173954VAS items not copied into the delivery
84055Shipping units from rejected sales orders
373405 Zero quantity correlation for delivery creation
1518150Runtime problems during collective delivery run
51719VL04: Left-justified material numbers possible
87716Sales order requirements in VL04 not reduced
338000Missing entries in table T180W
146616Incorrect rqmd qty. after PO for stock transport
162240VL04 dump with SQL Error 13
71229Order reqs not reduced after delivery collect. proc.
81289TABLE_INVALID_INDEX: Credit check
62631Storage loc. not transferred if deletion flag set
42150Delivery blocks and delivery creation from sales orders
87498Termination during rescheduling or credit check
107303Copying partners fr. order item to delivery header
29950Stock transport order with different divisions
615558Plant return/store return with HUs in the returning plant
45005Message determination via delivery due list
174895Incorrect delivery qty due to UofM conversion