Transaction SAP VI99 - Retours et notes de crédit

Notes associées
592701INTRASTAT: Goods receipt return orders are not selected
201637No data was selected for this period
1022864EU2007: Incorr declaration of goods receipts for January
729489EU2004: Intra-/Extrastat - April 2004 (Addition 709487)
867450Selectn logic 'A': System does not wait for invoice receipt
731857EU2004: INTRASTAT Addition to Note 729489
709487EU2004: INTRASTAT/EXTRASTAT - selection run for April 2004
754261Intrastat Slovenia
534504INTRASTAT: GR - Explanation of the selection logic
213802Messages to authorities in case of MM returns
789301INTRASTAT Declaration of arrivals on date of goods receipt
987716EU2007: The new EU countries of Romania and Bulgaria
1112153Intrastat declaration of arrivals: Questions and problems
500796INTRA/EXTRA: Goods receipt - Problems w/ data determination