1056345 | Payment reference in remuneration lists |
327373 | Invoice list terminates with GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED |
301254 | Creation of billing index |
337684 | VF24 - incorr select w/ collective bill doc./online |
593167 | Work list for invoice lists: processing status |
363310 | Dump at the creation of an iv. list (OIC_DITAB is not def.) |
412726 | Incorrect document proposal after created billing document |
1364263 | Termination GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED when you create invoice list |
69499 | Business area transfer for invoice lists |
121332 | VBUK-RELIK incor.after creat. cancel.invoice list |
1089050 | Adjustment of the check indicator in the invoice list area |
75665 | Invoice list not posted in CO |
317935 | Invoice Split Criteria for Invoice Lists |
1092495 | Termination GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED when cancelling invoice list |
813067 | Missing check of transaction code |
191013 | Invoice lists according to bill-to party |
353193 | Profit center transfer with invoice lists |
110444 | Invoice list condition not in account-based CO-PA |