Transaction SAP VF01 - Créer une facture

Notes associées
885024Incorrect splitting of billing items based on Chapter Id
326233SD:Billing docmnt - incorrect qty in item selection
930891Unable to create,change,release to accounting - Billing doc
145468Missing check for closed posting period
1640597Billing several documents cause mix of records in ETXDCH
744614RFUMSV25 - Down payment clearing not transfer posted from SD
74574VF04 creates more billing documents than VF01
308387VF01 GP line not split & different condion types
708657Item texts in incorrect language
134384CO-PA valuat.: Termin. during valuat. w/ conditions
923722VF01: No shipment costs assigned to batch split item
737214Missing credit/debit memo in provision master
198316VF01 Accntng doc. for down payment not found >R034
117271Pricing error in billing with header conditions
622668Syntax error & Unicode Error in routine 349, 350 & 351
92491VF162: Pls. check Customizing for cross company
641933Performance: Customer views are filled too often
515047FF759 with release of billing document to accounting
893003VF04: Incorrect status display after billing (2)
359054Short dump after implementation of Note 356336
419468Loss of NF data during new pricing in billing document
1459782Increased response time in VF01 after note 1277144
998194Missing ISS Tax Situation in the Nota Fiscal
136995Third party wrong billing qty with partial billings
813067Missing check of transaction code
181183Down payment account tax category is ignored
442477Incorrect error handling in RV_ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_CREATE
915717Intercompany Billing not working with Overdelivery - 'B'
114621Down payment request created in SD updates balances
354509Name of partners displayd incorrectly in billng doc
42170Billing document termination with error M2803
583988CFOP Redetermination for Order Related Billing
407197Billed order appears again in VF04
1122180Duplicate record error occurs when creating billing document
395380Error GI810 when creating billing document
868040Missing shipment costs with billing
509372Billing: NF data change for intercompany billing
164366AFS Wrong billing status for order related invoice
623520Billing call: No message in case of success
768203VF01: Resource related Debit Memo with internal order
186019Performance of billing update
704047Incorrect down payment clearing for 'pure' down payment item
1133310Incorrect partner determination in Cross Company Billing SD
836986Payer address format
33615SD-FI: Calculation of the terms of payment
899305Incorrect NF default values in Intercompany credit memo
995933Pro-forma invoice for stock transport orders not possible
389340VF01 short dump in /nfm/rates BCD_ZERODIVIDE
158013Performance of billing document processing
138766AFS: Billing stops with error 351(8J)
1329676Credit Management: remaining open delivery after billing
359165FB01: Euro rounding differences in Spain
571687Incorrect D/C indicated in external tax system
498880VF050 when releasing billing document
111813Billing doc: Collective run differs from individual creation
86057Credit memos/returns with incorrect +/- sign
802552UEPOS incorrect for billing of billing plans
214120Billing document - not billing overdelivery
1156654Text for error message VF 219
213495Billing document:Texts w/ incorrct default language
149647FF704: down payment clearing from SD
358880SD: Billing document - Bill overdelivery
171955Incorrect sales tax code in FI/CO documents
364950UEPOS incorrect filled when billing billing plans
137743SD/FI: F5568 for down paymt clearing in billing doc
428095FF753 in case of pure tax docs with rounding differences
127689SD/FI: Down payment clearings with WBS elements
301254Creation of billing index
198946Billing split due to VBRK-FKTYP
149435Cancellation/credit memo in revenue report
582437No FI transfer for tax rounding differences
495424SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC after new pricing
143018SET GET parameter with vendor credit memos
81833Error SG105 for postings with minor differences
459738Message F5725 during release to accounting (1)
300725Performance: Documents with many items
1521027Digital Invoice Runtime Error Open_Dataset_No_Authority
396652VAS data is missing in order-related billing documents
43465SD->FI: Miss. cash disc.perc.rates in FI document
144809Customer material number is not diplayed in invoice
423588Error GI810 when creating billing document II
145542Error in down pymt clearing in vendor net procedure
400594Consumption value in AFS third-party billing is incorrect
132947AFS Linegroup is not available in billing
1145112F5 693 when you transfer billing document
306734Billing doc. coll. procss. Bill Overdelivery Ind.
123839Billing: "System error: schedule & of order & /..."
120349Invoiced quantity not transferred to CO document
160719VF02: F5735 during Release ToAccounting
174699CUSTOMER-FUNCTION '008' without processed docNo.
39752Additional items in returns delivery
539563Error message VF 086 during billing of text items
216410Performance: read VAS data
38774Incorrect baseline date for instalment payment
1573743Wrong alternate G/L Account for VAT determined while billing
974991SD Invoice/credit memo:Termination or incorrect update
194207No call of the external tax determination in VF02
523522/NFM/TNES_SELECT: Type conflict /NFM/TNESTX
162321Down payment clearing in SIS (as of Release 4.0x)
134386Business area is set incorrectly