1256059 | ITS search help: Short dump SAPSQL_IN_ITAB_ILLEGAL_OPTION |
108680 | Manual settlement rule is deleted |
52239 | SD text determ.: modif. note dialog box texts |
97860 | Transaction variants for VA01 |
92860 | Allocations:termin. during product allocation chck |
164573 | Low level configuration: Change of root instance |
130428 | Rejected schedule lines contains req.del.date |
329137 | SD:Order - stock selection drng consignment pick-up |
322115 | Termination for consecutive entry of orders |
382773 | SD: Stock selection - deleted individ. length cannot be used |
803994 | Update termination during creation of Sales order |
898739 | Error Message /NFM/CA 510 (Coverage does not exist). |
427800 | Dump Commit without order data for VA01/VA02 |
362529 | SD: Order - drum calculation after item exchange |
816473 | No error message V4 081 during stock selection in sales ordr |
159963 | Syntax error in program RMCSS426 |
212474 | Allocations: Incorrect unit conversion |
1294959 | Short Dump when saving Sales Order |
312152 | Planning check: Sales order <--> rescheduling |
211299 | VA01 access to sales area or division V1316 |
361705 | APO: Program termin. Sourcing: Incorr. index struct. |
208387 | VA01 access to sales area without division V1316 |
356300 | ATP: Change of shipping condition in sales order |
189802 | VA01 no contract account although SD/FI-CA active |
332930 | Variant transactions do not function with sales docs |
486794 | Program termination: MEMORY_NO_MORE_PAGING |
102876 | Misleading message if checking group not maintained |
315105 | ARun-Contract status return from contract rel.order |
87118 | Incorrect confirmation f. collective assembly order |
131983 | Allocations: Confirmed quantities are ignored |
188164 | Performance problem during ATP check |
91202 | CK040 in MB31 aftr creatg prodn ordr w.CO08 |
61588 | Availability check - split valuation, batch |
157491 | Error CP721 when sales order is created VA01 |
306615 | VA01-VA02: TXJCD not transferred from contract a/c |
134384 | CO-PA valuat.: Termin. during valuat. w/ conditions |
1116400 | Sales documents are not or only partially updated |
964876 | Postprocessing after importing Support Packages |
407720 | ARun - Changing plant in VA01 |
385676 | Standard variants d.n. function in sales document processing |
117740 | Categories with list selection |
174333 | Configurations are deleted II |
737214 | Missing credit/debit memo in provision master |
481102 | BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 & configuration |
329237 | Type matching: Variants are not found |
116622 | Net value is set to 0 although item has a price |
332115 | Problems when scrolling in AFS item overview |
316348 | Screen variant not imported |
28630 | Quantity calc.error (online v. background) VA01 |
443046 | PI configuration is not transferred for ATP check |
173200 | Unrequired call of RS_HDSYS_SET_SC_VARIANT |
123439 | Rel. 4.0A Unnecessary accesses to CUDB_LOAD_TMP |
117254 | 4.5A: Inheritance and performance |
99157 | 4.5A Short dump: update document with configuration |
513661 | CS: NF tab title disappears in sales order |
320879 | Incorrect language proposal with 'Text in overview screen' |
140858 | Long runtimes when copying SD documents |
74612 | D07: Wrong Configuration after document save |
120671 | Allocations: No confirmation for stock |
85287 | Message_type_X during product costing |
28635 | Error quant.calc. (VA01) online versus background |
320929 | Material block is not trapped by MSO II |
140434 | Wrong order net value in AFS Line-entry screen |
424712 | No ATP confirm message in VA02 for product allocation |
107163 | 3.1I: Single-level configuration of BOM explosion |
172287 | BOM in planned order exploded incorrectly (2) |
323255 | Default quantities not converted into sales unit |
437280 | Sales order: Transferring NE default values with CO-PA |
103498 | Missing mandat. partners not named in incompl.log |
160303 | Specializing class nodes through ref.characteristcs |
607084 | Releasing text memory after assembly order creation |
373388 | MSO-MIX with batch input |
116469 | no credit check for rush orders |
498627 | Global ATP: No logoff of user RFC_USER from APO System |
583959 | Wrong CFOP redetermination in change mode |
373414 | Component schedule lines cannot be deleted |
74343 | 3.1H Reference instance lost |
334411 | Grid value conversion is incorrect |
359015 | Third-party order processing creates no PReqs |
390098 | NF metals: Most current rate not found |
51170 | 3.0E: Dupl.components after changing configuration |
339283 | Termination in type matching |
107606 | 4.5A: Incorrect explosion order during assembly |
117140 | Item net value for rejeceted sched.-lines incorrect |
70434 | 3.1G: Lower-level KMATs without valuation |
142248 | AFS conversion f. dimensions in sales order pricing |
615871 | NF-metal-conditions not displayed after new pricing |
419452 | Sales orders remain in queue with error message |
362652 | Message CX723 - IBASE config change with IQ02 |
927258 | Wrong NF default values on return doc. |
323266 | Order scheduling is not carried out |
172670 | CN33: Sales order valuation is lost |
132239 | AFS IDOC: ORDERS - Cancel date on header not copied |
144364 | Order change: ATP locks more than ordered |
101191 | 4.5A SD order with several equal KMATs |
62688 | 3.0F: Subsequent note to note 49651 |
173473 | Allocations: Quantity change d.n. change net value |
216251 | MILL: Endless loop during call of configuration |