488542 | CO40: Operation assignment of class items |
757975 | Error TD607 when you convert planned order |
595217 | Control recipe creation performance |
540614 | Partial conversn: Wrong component qntities in collctve order |
455047 | CO40: Co-products with alternative unit of measure |
527615 | CO40/COR7: planned orders not deleted |
391974 | CO40: Multiple explosion of the BOM |
643642 | No goods receipt for co-products |
533464 | CO40: Assembly scrap in collective orders |
516986 | Purchase requisition generated for components |
519857 | Incorrect cost element in collective order |
379750 | Conversion of planned order and ATP in APO |
78747 | COR2/CO02 with alternative components: Short dump |
328280 | COR8: Error CO706 when units of measure converted |
494792 | Program termination CO650 during planned order conversion |
308247 | COR7/CO40: Missing settlement rule |
360810 | CO40: Update termination with message CO901 |
426192 | Manufacture of co-products apportionment structure, cost di |
532665 | Dump COMPUTE_FLOAT_ZERODIVIDE in the availability check |
140712 | COR7,COR8: Co-product w. incorrect storage location |
215554 | Incorrect operation data aft.planned order conversn |
744382 | PPBICO40: BOM status not released for orders |
526994 | Process order - loading of unnecessary function groups |
451236 | Incorrect component quantities in phantom assemblies |
124102 | Approval with blocked materials |
432100 | Rounding requirement quantity co-products / by-products |
521176 | Reduction of the data control blocks part 9 |
166979 | Reschedule planned orders for recipes |
597600 | Maintaining settlement rule after adding a co-product |
101715 | Conversion plannd order into approved process order |
115417 | Joint production/production in another plant |
155885 | Status CREF is not set in operation |
371682 | Incorrct component quantities in phantom assemblies |
435401 | Deleting indicator 'Backflush' |
520904 | Reduction of the data control blocks part 7 |
69722 | Error TD607 during planned order conversion |
1538846 | Long texts disappear when you jump to other transactions |
1432630 | Value update from wrong valuation area |
521076 | Reduction of the data control blocks part 8 |
157090 | Runtime problem with Transaction COR1,COR7,COR8 |
480472 | Convertng plannd orders:Basic finsh date by 1 day too early |
93586 | Process order: sequence of the materials |
457518 | "Select all" function remains ineffective |
163710 | GMP: Dispatched resource in approved order |
95973 | Missing status object when converting planned order |
534269 | Conversn of plannd ordr and discontintn: Incorrct ATP reslts |
448945 | CO40:incor. requirement quantity with alternative components |
1125980 | Requirement quantity for batch split of successor components |
508480 | Operation quantities after change of header quantity unit |
454333 | Performance when saving process order |
191279 | Operation: Status WCRE, although resource allowed |
459288 | Schedule line copied from sales order to production order |
364286 | MF50: Conversion of planned order does not work |
209855 | CO40, CO41: incorrect conversion between units |
111031 | No - sign for issue quantity |
422750 | Manual change/entry of the batch number |
100534 | CO40: Settlement rule for non-valuated material |
883064 | Status after you change special stock indicator |
79885 | Scheduling planned order:operations are deallocated |
307192 | Approval takes no resource sel.condition into accnt |
338051 | Modification: Planned order conv. and cumulation 3 |
88374 | Process order: automatic batch creation |
1303136 | Alternative unit of measure: Order header quantity |
1112075 | Simple discontinuation: incorrect qty follow-up materl w/ATP |
338075 | Modif.: Deactivating cumulation '3' for prod. order |
1392886 | Converting planned order: Log master data |
392789 | Requirement quantity for discontinued materials incorrect |
555387 | Externally procured components not relevant to costing |
821624 | Non-valuated material in valuated sales order stock |
424927 | No order transfer from R/3 to APO |
562047 | Storage location not transferred during master data transfer |
101909 | Incor.batch determntn when converting planned order |
536513 | ATP: delivery proposal screen for one component only |
427042 | Rounding of requirement quantity co-products / by-products |
325236 | Planning run during planned order conversion |
1362114 | Simple discontinuation: Reqmt too high before effect.out dte |
860094 | Reading master data: no automatic release |
494453 | Hint about an error when reading the master data |
113906 | Incorrect scrap qty when converting planned order |
536534 | Dump COMPUTE_BCD_OVERFLOW for availability check |
440585 | Read master data for collective orders |
1361216 | ATP check: Runtime error COMPUTE_BCD_OVERFLOW |
524487 | Order not yet created is locked |
400444 | Material component batch after goods withdrawal |
318469 | Short dump after reading master data, status of components |
509420 | Change Net quantity - operation quantities adjustment |
456764 | Batch assignment and availability check |
149866 | Conversion planned order, approval and release |
215123 | Discontinuation and approval in the process order |
456777 | Order numbers for internal number assignment |
1421880 | System issues error message CBRC_REGCHECK 092 unnecessarily |
445281 | Indicator 'Final issue' is missing in material list |
356327 | Classification in orders, projects, networks |
501718 | Integration models for manufacturing order integration |
582634 | CO07: Shop floor controller and MRP controller not copied |
449944 | Process materials in production planning |
552916 | ATP for parts to be discontinued w/ partial confirmatn logic |
688148 | Error when reading the routing results in termination |
444000 | Note search for process orders |