319305 | Different confirmed quantity order header CO02/CO28 |
75972 | "Delivery completed" ind. for by-product production |
125235 | TD607: I/O error for text 00.... AFFV D |
161743 | Default value order number in COR2/COR3 |
838515 | CO02: You cannot return to variant transaction |
117120 | Search for PP-PI notes |
111816 | Incorrect results availability check |
151134 | Incor.results avail.check w/ alt. or discon. group |
588154 | Distribution key changed in order item |
164608 | TD607: I/O error for text 00.... AFFV D |
382768 | Error in Note 377648 |
308461 | Rounding error in quantities of alternative items |
338715 | Order with zero duration: basic dates incorrect |
644772 | Error message 29090 during order creation |
621666 | Reading master data after update termination |
600645 | No rqmt qty for discontinuation components and alternatives |
190634 | Purchase requisitions for deleted components |
414455 | Update termination in K_SRULE_SAVE_UTASK when saving PrOrd |
307412 | Deleting operation not possible |
552649 | COHV: Resetting availability data for assembly orders II |
451331 | Batch determination not possible after import of plug-in |
595217 | Control recipe creation performance |
655991 | WM error displayed only once |
418677 | Long text is not deleted when reading master data |
178939 | Transfer of co-products |
117321 | CO01,02: Rounding error for component quantities |
206132 | Multiple order changes not transferred to APO |
607918 | R/3->APO: Change phase number disappears |
319361 | Termintn SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC for table FTIND |
625774 | Dynpro sizing conflicts in production and process order |
109214 | Trmntion for availability check in collective order |
394496 | Process order: Order start shifted by one day |
97353 | Incorrect process order displayed with MD04 |
397695 | Temporary CUOBJ in table AFPO |
316244 | Storage locations deleted after phantom assembly inserted |
616987 | Issue storage location not taken from production version |
567170 | Short dump when reading master data in collective order |
315865 | Note obsololete! Implement Note 354242 instead |
602060 | Modification: Change mode and cumulation 3 |
541861 | COHV: Reset availability data for assembly orders |
397532 | Process order: Order start date shifted by one day |
214941 | Note 209419 (table RSPSP f.prod.order) not complete |
100901 | COR1,COR2: Chnge header qantity=>cmpnent quantities |
125264 | CN752 Message not correct for negative requirements |
205169 | Manual operation deletion: no deletion in APO |
215792 | Basic dats incor. (night shift + float after prod.) |
691846 | Reading master data deletes long text of the operation |
198932 | ATP messages are missing in the release log |
368830 | Reading master data for co-products |
146729 | Control recipe is not generated |
93714 | Cross-plant planning: Create batch |
393622 | Rounding error with component quantity change |
327016 | BCD_ZERODIVIDE for order processing |
655803 | Insert co-product: SBDKZ incorrect |
185060 | ORSP/'final issue' ind. after Note 140929 |
627031 | Incorrect movement type after expanding subnetwork |
159014 | Batch is not copied to totals record |
187711 | Read master data does not read short text |
521432 | Reduction of the data control blocks part 5 |
520106 | Reduction of the data control blocks part 1 |
507248 | No credit generated during standard cost estimate |
213434 | Read master data doubles order long text |
136640 | Process order: Short text for recipe is missing |
139685 | Performance problems w/ orders w/o header material |
85896 | Confirmation sets up capacity requirements again |
520231 | Reduction of the data control blocks part 2 |
135010 | Error in Note 133306 for collective orders |
216284 | Qties withdrwn re-distributd during batch determin. |
158595 | Assembly: incorrect delivery proposal |
618805 | Supply area or LGORT determined wrongly if wrk centr changed |
124447 | Delete operation not possible after Note 99097 |
531494 | Change work center, invalid storage location from PVB |
437907 | Work center calendar not taken into account |
159319 | Dump 'NOT_FOUND' after inserting ref. operation set |
762760 | Long text does not exist even though indicator is set |
443191 | Material group (RESB-MATKL) when adding components |
151824 | Error during auto.genratn w/ filter batch mgmt rqnt |
144125 | Incorrect process order displayed with COR5 |
209419 | Table RSPSP only supplied for networks |
374185 | Error message KO451 when you set deletion flag |
182099 | Including master recipe: incorrect operation |
159802 | Termination for batch split in alternative group |
551926 | Program termination ILLEGAL_OBJART in cost analysis |
144386 | Order info system: wrong process order displayed |
160209 | Manufacture of co-products: settlement rule |
440912 | Settlement rule after extending subnetwork |
397634 | Collective order not deleted correctly |
437999 | Incorrect requirements date for manually inserted component |
189425 | CO350 in batch determination after split |
211446 | Mfr.of co-prodcts: Settlmt rule f.non-valuated matl |
315082 | Short dump CALL_FUNCTION_NO. in CO_BC_RESB_VB_CHECK |
78747 | COR2/CO02 with alternative components: Short dump |
204000 | Process order: Operation release and log |
180461 | Posting date of last confirmation not filled |
352327 | Process order: Changing functional area |
80692 | Batch determination after withdrawal |
416715 | Preliminary costing of process order or production order |
377648 | Incorrect requiremt quantity after header change in quantity |