636118 | CO41 Production Scheduler not filled for CS Planned Orders |
100958 | CO41:No plnning file entry after chnge in quantity |
312945 | CO41-inconsist. coll. ord. due to big upd. backlgs |
72531 | I/O error when saving changed production order |
78265 | Settlement receiver f. productn order w/o material |
80523 | Note 65051 in Hot Package 3.0F/1 is incorrect |
959865 | Collective conversion using variant transaction |
619965 | CS: missing RESB after CO41 and competing regenerat. plannin |
46790 | Incorrect component allocatn in production order |
137101 | CO01: Termination during external processing PReq |
437255 | CO40 with OCM: Automatically functions executed twice |
44039 | Scrap qty calculation during collective conversion |
488542 | CO40: Operation assignment of class items |
310715 | Performance: Creation of AFS production orders |
442419 | Underconfirmation for conversion of pl. ord. -> prod. order |
73107 | Allocation of phantom assemblies in productn order |
192996 | CO40, CO41: Collective order and nonvaluated material |
178602 | Missing initialization ATP server |
68989 | Missing settlmnt receiver (material) for prod.orders |
117231 | CO40,41:Roundng error f.altern.header unit of meas. |
757975 | Error TD607 when you convert planned order |
100217 | CO41: CO 888 during collective conversion of planned orders |
50454 | CO40: Incorrect component assignmnt/backflush indic. |
539511 | No homogeneity list generated when planned order converted |
118395 | COMPUTE_FLOAT_ZERODIVIDE in part./collect. convers. |
527615 | CO40/COR7: planned orders not deleted |
455047 | CO40: Co-products with alternative unit of measure |
94053 | Incor. component qty when converting planned order |
408028 | Planned order conversion: Matrl group initial in reservation |
166296 | Planned ord: Ref. op. set referenced sev. times |
132432 | CO40: Required field not filled |
516986 | Purchase requisition generated for components |
313230 | Operation release possible although WBS created |
556184 | Deadlocks table J_3AMRPR for collctve conversn plannd orders |
167170 | Prod. order release possible although WBS created |
157617 | Size quantity in order with production unit |
320459 | Incorrect reqrmts quantity after header qty change |
337272 | CO40:Incorrect qty for size and part to be discont. |
409279 | Planned order network conversn behaves as collectve conversn |
546181 | Collective conversn: Incorrect dialg box in availablty check |
162008 | CO40 + product unit: conversion is incorrect |
519857 | Incorrect cost element in collective order |
108251 | CO40: Error in availability check |
311609 | CO40:Var.-sze item as part t.b.discont.or alterntve |
150839 | Error in Note 149359 |
494792 | Program termination CO650 during planned order conversion |
308247 | COR7/CO40: Missing settlement rule |
78687 | Wrong component qty when converting planned orders |
528009 | No settlement rule for co-products |
783614 | Not able to create production order ater fixpack 5 |
324141 | CO40: Matl status for phantom executed incorrectly |
33652 | Planned order conversion: Specifying the basic date |
360810 | CO40: Update termination with message CO901 |
162721 | CapaCheck: Overall profile for capacity availability check |
92634 | SG111: during convrsn of plnd ordr in prodctn order |
174538 | CO40: Incorrect order quantities in collective order |
140712 | COR7,COR8: Co-product w. incorrect storage location |
148515 | CO40: Planned order deleted without conversion |
97249 | CO01: Selection of routings without lot size |
100427 | Incorrect update of data in the ATP server |
151648 | Error in Note 149359 |
215554 | Incorrect operation data aft.planned order conversn |
109899 | CO41: Op. not deallocated after change in quantity |
63055 | Performance: CO_BT_DATA_RESET |
569124 | Sequence change is reversed |
60578 | MFAUF access to view is slow |
79620 | CO01: Finding routing without considering lot size |
53624 | Collective order: RSDB records do not exist |
110429 | Termination when converting planned order CX709 |
104408 | CO40: Incorrect activity type for cost center |
120058 | Incorrect price for externally processed operation |
67515 | CO01:Wrong component allocation f.phantom assembly |
597600 | Maintaining settlement rule after adding a co-product |
115417 | Joint production/production in another plant |
353534 | Roundng error f.comp. w.alternative unit of measure |
456796 | Incorrect desired dely date from sales order schedule line |
76990 | Required receiver not used in settlement profile |
69722 | Error TD607 during planned order conversion |
1432630 | Value update from wrong valuation area |
511140 | CO41:Incorr. numbers entered in status line after conversion |
149359 | Replenishmnt lead time for parts to be discontinued |
118175 | CO41: Quantity 0 in production order |
440648 | CO40: PKOSA not found and AUFLD not correct |
305107 | Not possible to create a settlement rule |
107895 | CO40: Accumulation type 3 for conversion planned order |
620096 | Individl length in productn ordr & header qty do not match |
95973 | Missing status object when converting planned order |
448945 | CO40:incor. requirement quantity with alternative components |
121212 | Component assignment of direct production assmblies |
98204 | Conversion planned order: dispatched operations |
191279 | Operation: Status WCRE, although resource allowed |
509044 | Conversion of planned order with BOM explosion |
459288 | Schedule line copied from sales order to production order |
209855 | CO40, CO41: incorrect conversion between units |
454636 | CO40: Routing is exploded repeatedly |
113369 | CO40: Missing fields in purchase requisition |
100534 | CO40: Settlement rule for non-valuated material |
883064 | Status after you change special stock indicator |
156710 | Deletion of planned order projct assignmnt in PSPL |
743522 | AFS Modification Note for Standard Note 391846 |