386671 | CO40:Incorr.order qties w. altern.unit of measure |
594013 | CS: Dump when converting planned order to production order |
858473 | CO40, CO48, Component quantities in multi-item order |
647638 | CS:Routing Error...Convert Planned Order To Production Order |
104408 | CO40: Incorrect activity type for cost center |
72531 | I/O error when saving changed production order |
315546 | CO40 - inconsistent collective orders |
78265 | Settlement receiver f. productn order w/o material |
484971 | CS: Message E639(CO) when converting planned order with CO40 |
80523 | Note 65051 in Hot Package 3.0F/1 is incorrect |
81294 | CO40: time for directly procured components |
155264 | CO40: Material status not checked for phantoms |
365904 | GR order: Internal error SAPLCKMLMVCONNECT |
129970 | CO40: No operations in production order |
681078 | Termination Message CO 097 during Order Creation |
147759 | Convert stock transfer order to planned order |
437255 | CO40 with OCM: Automatically functions executed twice |
488542 | CO40: Operation assignment of class items |
205505 | CO40-exclusn partl conv for some plannd order types |
179103 | Part.convers. planned order:Termin.aft.init.screen |
308461 | Rounding error in quantities of alternative items |
73107 | Allocation of phantom assemblies in productn order |
84477 | No sales document update from collective release |
146511 | Partial conversn of planned order, incorct deletion |
179196 | Release key without effect in CO40 |
362937 | Partial conversion planned order with phantom components |
192996 | CO40, CO41: Collective order and nonvaluated material |
89548 | Production order: Error C2087 or BS001 or OPR_NOT_FOUND |
178602 | Missing initialization ATP server |
117231 | CO40,41:Roundng error f.altern.header unit of meas. |
757975 | Error TD607 when you convert planned order |
540614 | Partial conversn: Wrong component qntities in collctve order |
50454 | CO40: Incorrect component assignmnt/backflush indic. |
177320 | CO40: Header quantity change and following warning |
209735 | Configuration owner of material variant changes |
117321 | CO01,02: Rounding error for component quantities |
181249 | CO40:Termination CO888 w/ mat. status on phantoms |
323685 | a cross-plant planning: creating batch |
118395 | COMPUTE_FLOAT_ZERODIVIDE in part./collect. convers. |
527615 | CO40/COR7: planned orders not deleted |
539511 | No homogeneity list generated when planned order converted |
455047 | CO40: Co-products with alternative unit of measure |
80998 | Availability check in production order network |
117506 | Prod.order: 'must not be settled' in spite of ARu |
89647 | Unnecessary texts for order objects |
142552 | Part. conv. of plnd collective orders not possible |
391974 | CO40: Multiple explosion of the BOM |
129708 | Production order: manual price changes not copied |
408028 | Planned order conversion: Matrl group initial in reservation |
391389 | Inconsistent KBED after planned order conversion |
308692 | Goods receipt indicator for non-valuated material |
643642 | No goods receipt for co-products |
80204 | Wrong component quantity in production order |
166296 | Planned ord: Ref. op. set referenced sev. times |
93602 | Miss.PReq commitment prod.order for acc.assig.PSPEL |
132432 | CO40: Required field not filled |
153175 | Some orders do not have quantity on the components list |
106555 | WEUNB in spite of valuated special stock |
533464 | CO40: Assembly scrap in collective orders |
516986 | Purchase requisition generated for components |
167859 | Frthr part.convrsn plannd order no genertn pssble |
80890 | Planned order conversion: Dispatched operations |
121824 | Prod.order:Termin. LB027 when creatng/enterng batch |
732934 | Settlement rule: CO630 for conversion of planned order |
313230 | Operation release possible although WBS created |
127970 | CK465 during goods receipt for production order |
167170 | Prod. order release possible although WBS created |
157617 | Size quantity in order with production unit |
320459 | Incorrect reqrmts quantity after header qty change |
355241 | CO01: ABAP runtime error - CONVT_NO_NUMBER |
337272 | CO40:Incorrect qty for size and part to be discont. |
172215 | Transfer of 1st BOM line in PReq f. direct procurmt |
409279 | Planned order network conversn behaves as collectve conversn |
179937 | Program PPBICO40 does not run for AFS materials |
162008 | CO40 + product unit: conversion is incorrect |
171812 | Prod.order: Missing compnts when convrtg plnd order |
81121 | Rounding order quantity when converting plnd order |
145046 | Partial conversion of planned order not cancelled |
519857 | Incorrect cost element in collective order |
379750 | Conversion of planned order and ATP in APO |
78747 | COR2/CO02 with alternative components: Short dump |
188237 | Error when changing the production unit |
108300 | Incor.size quantities after change i. qty i. header |
108251 | CO40: Error in availability check |
364906 | Partl convrsn pl.ordr:unwntd chnge to othr pl.ordrs |
115595 | Prod. order: no matl desc. o.missing parts list (3) |
158732 | Missing compnts in prod.order f.conv.from plnd ordr |
150839 | Error in Note 149359 |
810285 | Change quantity while converting planned order to production |
494792 | Program termination CO650 during planned order conversion |
308247 | COR7/CO40: Missing settlement rule |
78687 | Wrong component qty when converting planned orders |
912587 | drum type in production order gets lost during conversion |
397548 | Short dump when converting planned order into prod. order |
153683 | Part.conv.plnd ord.: qty of dep.orders in col.order |
528009 | No settlement rule for co-products |
86114 | Modification: branches are lost for paths > 99 |