62026 | Status filter from Customizing is ignored |
141816 | CO26: Missing planning plant in order header |
102628 | CO26/CO28: Field 'Procurement type' is blank |
168311 | COID: Process material: Material number missing |
48527 | CO26: IOHEADER-GLTRI and -GWEMG not filled |
81623 | By-products: Various qty. fields not in CO28/CO26 |
100109 | CO26/CO28: Purchasing group is not displayed |
168415 | Order Info System:no selection of process material |
96962 | Collective availability check w. sales order stock |
63073 | ATP incorrect log entries for collectv avail.check |
62225 | Planned orders are displayed repeatedly |
65586 | CO26: Incorrect quantity for material components |
103170 | Process materials in the order information system |
45697 | Error in user filter from Customizing |
92571 | Order info system: error when exporting to MS Excel |
356922 | Authorization check in mass processing |
95256 | CO26/CO28: Material group for component not filled |
100845 | ATP incor.confirmed quantities cllctve availability |
83359 | CO28: Error during export in Excel Pivot table |
102084 | ATP collective availability check, message 61588 |
112271 | ATP collective availability check |
71173 | ATP collective availability check with quantity block |
319305 | Different confirmed quantity order header CO02/CO28 |
105715 | CO26/CO28: Reversed confirmations |
352093 | IOC: Performance improvement authorization check |
66992 | CO28: P5011 'Field IOHEADER-VFMNG not defined' |
355816 | Authoriztn check missing whn branching to transactn |
95694 | Status MSPT/MACM in collective availability check |
43010 | PIS: several user filters |
65475 | ATP incorrect confirmation factor in CO28 |
93171 | Error CO820 in automatic availability check |
69659 | CO26: Confrmtn, rework quantity cannot be displayed |
66757 | CO26:WBS element in order header cannot be selected |
80255 | CO26/CO28: LTXA1 for components is not in TMC73 |
61517 | ATP error in the collective availability check |
178680 | CO26/CO28/COOIS: Operation and component selection |
519925 | COOIS, CO26: Fields for delay are not displayed |
90452 | CO26/CO28: KZAVC for order header not in TMC73 |
93861 | CO26/28: deli. quant. in order header is missing |
160575 | CO26-28:Error for summation, grouping, Excel |
124910 | ATP qty over-confirmation collctve availbilty check |
162410 | CO26-CO28: Unclear error message for status object |
908826 | COOIS: Texts from RCOTX000 not copied to the ALV grid |
83503 | CO26/CO28: no summation of setup + processing time |
68363 | No selectn of del.ind.(for comp.)in order info sys. |
68018 | Update termination when saving the order |
146772 | Mssng parts info system:Fld slction fr grpng profls |
540779 | FAQ: Information system |
115129 | CO26/CO28: Display IOCONF-STZHL |
192429 | Modification CO26-CO28: User dependent parameters not copied |
379073 | CO26/CO28: Formatting of WBS element |
457787 | Collective SAP note: Advice notes ATP check |
160731 | XXL export: language-specific display, termination |
84185 | ATP collective availability check performance |
166895 | CO26-28: Export from order information system |
87672 | Addit. fields from plnd order in order info system |
97762 | OIS:Expectd yield variance, expectd varince missing |
83449 | Confirmation counter not selectable in CO26/CO28 |
395258 | CO28, COOIS: The Long Text Language field is not filled |
69536 | CO26/CO28: BOM item, no curr.available for GR value |
125848 | Internal documentation collective availability check |
449944 | Process materials in production planning |
95884 | CO26,CO28:Incor.unit of meas. f. var.-size item qty |
151082 | Field 'Batch' cannot be displayed in order header |
68049 | Goods movement in Order Info System with +/-sign |
97507 | CO26/CO28: Error P5011: 'Feld &-& not in TMC73' |
365310 | Note search for PP-SFC-EXE-CON and PP-SFC-EXE-GM |
903552 | FAQ - AFS production control and execution |
434123 | Filling and displaying own fields in information system |