216976 | Propose yield instead of total quantity (CO11) |
411643 | CO11: Check regenerative plan. f.'broken' collective orders |
48529 | MMIM: Transaction Type for CO11, CO12, and CO13 in T158 |
307704 | AFS componnts missng durng confirmtn aftr cancelltn |
813200 | Error in C011 while saving with automatic Goods receipt |
214567 | Final confirmtion: no backflush for standrd matrial |
584598 | /CAB/CO11: Termination for cuting order confirmation |
1081448 | Confirmation using variant transaction |
193778 | JV Amendment for note 101872 |
360451 | Confirming AFS material in alternate Unit of Measure(UOM) is |
208431 | Indicator 'Finl issue of reservtion' set incorrctly |
211768 | Backflush of nogrid/standard components is incorrct |
632152 | CS: Message /CAB/MM_IM E090 for Transaction CO11 |
177173 | New op.after prod.order rel.f.AFS compl.confrmatns |
1347711 | Issues with BAPI "BAPI_PRODORD_CHANGE" for AFS materials |
315797 | Complete combined order technically |
319232 | CO11N: Missing functions compared to CO11 |
156478 | final confirmation and quantity of one size is not enough |
382871 | Conf. status in production order for final delivery |
189517 | Incorrct costs for confirmation on collection order |
197156 | Backflushing quantity not calculated for diff. grid |
325174 | Extended lock logic for prod. order and confirm. |
308380 | PP: No AFS dimension when confirming prod. order |
209898 | M7135 during goods receipt |
145271 | Backflushing against dyn.bin (WM) reduces first batch only |
194824 | Incorrect backflush qty in part. confirmation |
448484 | CO11 - quantities doubled if EMATPLA lock is set |
157073 | final confirmation indicator |
357795 | Confrmtn cuttg order:Incorrct remaing qty on screen |
105373 | CO11: Deleted goods movement always finally issued |
138714 | KE295 for confirmation |
183740 | Finl issue ind.not avlble in spte of fnl confirm.II |
104523 | No costs during change of work center |
131937 | Issue qty not eq. to committed qty whem conf.scrap |
172097 | CO13: Markings for goods receipts not posted |
144439 | AFS Final conf. prod-order with clear open reservations |
446401 | Goods movement overview: no check of 'vendor' field |
133877 | Issue qty not eq. to committed qty whem conf.scrap |
313425 | Performance: Confirmation sends order change to APO |
310282 | Completion confirmation with backflush - performnce |
131770 | CO11: Dump after calling up goods movement overview |
93075 | Deadlocks during update in PPIS |
162742 | AFS: Checking of tolerances at CO11 |
305595 | Confirmation: Multiple component update |
144679 | GR for order via MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT |
378830 | Short dump when confirming a production order |
166660 | AFS: Performance for goods movements |
162650 | PP ATP looks at component sizes that are finally is |
310688 | Confirmation with goods receipt for external batch |
48936 | CO11, CO15: Goods receipt for WBS assigned order |
401943 | Confirmed scrap not considered for suggested confirmed qty |
113622 | CO11: Final issue indicator is not set |
360767 | CO13: Unplanned goods movement is not displayed |
117257 | Confirmation data for released prod. orders |
188367 | Confirmation in collective order with deleted order |
419002 | AFS: Check report corrects AFS confirmation data |
154873 | Backflush when production order is confirmed |
85896 | Confirmation sets up capacity requirements again |
129074 | AFS: Wrong order status after partial confirmation |
554507 | Partial confirmation with quantity 0 sets status 'Delivered' |
942590 | CO11 : Incorrect component quantity in goods movement screen |
192534 | Table j_3abdsi_old not declared in J3AW |
202015 | Problems with capacity requirements after confirmation |
805783 | Incorrect remaining duration after confirmation |
337972 | Delete batch fixed reservations for confirmation |
309931 | Error M7066/096 when canceling confirmations |
184417 | CO11: GLTRI incorrect for collective orders |
311278 | CO13: Goods movements retained as markings |
372769 | Error M7 096 in order confirmation |
53109 | MMIM: MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT SUBRC does not work |
206610 | Confirmation:Termination for goods movment overview |
620809 | CS: Check of coil indicator in cutting confirmation |
385906 | After finl confrmtn w/autom.GR, prdctn ordr only part.conf. |
212426 | Conf.coll.order:"Delivery completed" set incorrctly |
107529 | Confirmation of migrated coll. orders not possible |
306928 | CO11: CS confirmation after changed OPK4 |
180461 | Posting date of last confirmation not filled |
449911 | Transactions disappear in APO after confirmation |
367981 | CO11-Incorrect Quantity updation in AFS SKU data while Parti |
92900 | Error 53527: Confirmation w.personnel no. w/o HR |
425779 | AFS: CO15:note 417607 forces use AFSscreen in confirmations |
306973 | Backflush with suboperation confirmation |
356339 | Coll.order:Incorr.actual quantities f.autom.confrm. |
443707 | Cut with cap seal -> propose AKAP and EKAP |
384283 | Syntax error: Confirmation for production order |
313212 | Performance: Confirmation sends order change to APO |
393107 | Confirmation of lower-level orders in spite of DLFL |
183703 | Final issue ind.not avlble in spte of fnl confirm.I |
64370 | Orders assigned to WBS element: Confirmation |
211397 | CO1F: No status check for subordinate orders |
355816 | Authoriztn check missing whn branching to transactn |
99631 | Quantity adjustment for alternative BOM items |
197669 | Capacity requirements despite of final confirmation |
303384 | CS cutting confirmation: Preasignement of data, new item |
324736 | PReq generation in confirmation for non-stocks |
425686 | CS: Endless loop in Transaction CO11 with goods receipt |