Transaction SAP CO11 - Saisir bon de travail

Notes associées
216976Propose yield instead of total quantity (CO11)
411643CO11: Check regenerative plan. f.'broken' collective orders
48529MMIM: Transaction Type for CO11, CO12, and CO13 in T158
307704AFS componnts missng durng confirmtn aftr cancelltn
813200Error in C011 while saving with automatic Goods receipt
214567Final confirmtion: no backflush for standrd matrial
584598/CAB/CO11: Termination for cuting order confirmation
1081448Confirmation using variant transaction
193778JV Amendment for note 101872
360451Confirming AFS material in alternate Unit of Measure(UOM) is
208431Indicator 'Finl issue of reservtion' set incorrctly
211768Backflush of nogrid/standard components is incorrct
632152CS: Message /CAB/MM_IM E090 for Transaction CO11
177173New op.after prod.order rel.f.AFS compl.confrmatns
1347711Issues with BAPI "BAPI_PRODORD_CHANGE" for AFS materials
315797Complete combined order technically
319232CO11N: Missing functions compared to CO11
156478final confirmation and quantity of one size is not enough
382871Conf. status in production order for final delivery
189517Incorrct costs for confirmation on collection order
197156Backflushing quantity not calculated for diff. grid
325174Extended lock logic for prod. order and confirm.
308380PP: No AFS dimension when confirming prod. order
209898M7135 during goods receipt
145271Backflushing against dyn.bin (WM) reduces first batch only
194824Incorrect backflush qty in part. confirmation
448484CO11 - quantities doubled if EMATPLA lock is set
157073final confirmation indicator
357795Confrmtn cuttg order:Incorrct remaing qty on screen
105373CO11: Deleted goods movement always finally issued
138714KE295 for confirmation
183740Finl issue ind.not avlble in spte of fnl confirm.II
104523No costs during change of work center
131937Issue qty not eq. to committed qty whem conf.scrap
172097CO13: Markings for goods receipts not posted
144439AFS Final conf. prod-order with clear open reservations
446401Goods movement overview: no check of 'vendor' field
133877Issue qty not eq. to committed qty whem conf.scrap
313425Performance: Confirmation sends order change to APO
310282Completion confirmation with backflush - performnce
131770CO11: Dump after calling up goods movement overview
93075Deadlocks during update in PPIS
162742AFS: Checking of tolerances at CO11
305595Confirmation: Multiple component update
144679GR for order via MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT
378830 Short dump when confirming a production order
166660AFS: Performance for goods movements
162650PP ATP looks at component sizes that are finally is
310688Confirmation with goods receipt for external batch
48936CO11, CO15: Goods receipt for WBS assigned order
401943Confirmed scrap not considered for suggested confirmed qty
113622CO11: Final issue indicator is not set
360767CO13: Unplanned goods movement is not displayed
117257Confirmation data for released prod. orders
188367Confirmation in collective order with deleted order
419002AFS: Check report corrects AFS confirmation data
154873Backflush when production order is confirmed
85896Confirmation sets up capacity requirements again
129074AFS: Wrong order status after partial confirmation
554507Partial confirmation with quantity 0 sets status 'Delivered'
942590CO11 : Incorrect component quantity in goods movement screen
192534Table j_3abdsi_old not declared in J3AW
202015Problems with capacity requirements after confirmation
805783Incorrect remaining duration after confirmation
337972Delete batch fixed reservations for confirmation
309931Error M7066/096 when canceling confirmations
184417CO11: GLTRI incorrect for collective orders
311278CO13: Goods movements retained as markings
372769Error M7 096 in order confirmation
206610Confirmation:Termination for goods movment overview
620809CS: Check of coil indicator in cutting confirmation
385906After finl confrmtn w/autom.GR, prdctn ordr only part.conf.
212426Conf.coll.order:"Delivery completed" set incorrctly
107529Confirmation of migrated coll. orders not possible
306928CO11: CS confirmation after changed OPK4
180461Posting date of last confirmation not filled
449911Transactions disappear in APO after confirmation
367981CO11-Incorrect Quantity updation in AFS SKU data while Parti
92900Error 53527: Confirmation w.personnel no. w/o HR
425779AFS: CO15:note 417607 forces use AFSscreen in confirmations
306973Backflush with suboperation confirmation
356339Coll.order:Incorr.actual quantities f.autom.confrm.
443707Cut with cap seal -> propose AKAP and EKAP
384283Syntax error: Confirmation for production order
313212Performance: Confirmation sends order change to APO
393107Confirmation of lower-level orders in spite of DLFL
183703Final issue ind.not avlble in spte of fnl confirm.I
64370Orders assigned to WBS element: Confirmation
211397CO1F: No status check for subordinate orders
355816Authoriztn check missing whn branching to transactn
99631Quantity adjustment for alternative BOM items
197669Capacity requirements despite of final confirmation
303384CS cutting confirmation: Preasignement of data, new item
324736PReq generation in confirmation for non-stocks
425686CS: Endless loop in Transaction CO11 with goods receipt