806913 | Update termination in CO02 after deleting individual length |
838515 | CO02: You cannot return to variant transaction |
177157 | Release is active in released order |
394127 | /CAB/MMD04 - authorization check cutting order |
800357 | Missing Individual length screen for component in CO02/CO01 |
353595 | No access to configuration in MD82 after COCM2 |
378746 | CO02: SKU-data button missing after AFS V2.5B fix 2 |
319305 | Different confirmed quantity order header CO02/CO28 |
962684 | Error message on prod. order when reading collective order |
149126 | IS-AFS CO02 error in deletion size of AFS-component |
566814 | Planning file entry for MRP is not set |
46378 | Delivered quantity is not displayed |
567360 | Planning file entry for MRP is not set |
399831 | CO02 length calculation log contains no entries |
75972 | "Delivery completed" ind. for by-product production |
216477 | Collective order overview functions are inactive |
66510 | Create order: locking the order header |
768792 | RESB-MATKL blank after changing component |
148889 | IS-AFS MRP does not start after prod. order change |
868047 | /cab/md04:Collective order visible even after deletion flag |
762332 | WGC: Greenwood Village (CO02) Occupational Tax incorrect |
1431861 | Error 8J 406 during prod. order processing for AFS materials |
517373 | Move time from matrix scheduled incorrectly |
46658 | 3.0E: No cost calculation for networks from SD |
491836 | Leading order is not locked for order release |
67959 | CO02: 'Please enter a purchasing organization' |
83037 | CO01: termination for alternative components (ITAB) |
154140 | Incorrect comp. quantities after header qty change |
317378 | Configuration displayed with incorrect date |
886947 | CO02: Long material number/MPN displayed in internal format |
111816 | Incorrect results availability check |
603589 | CO02:Change of assembly order deletes schedule line in KDAUF |
119697 | CO02, CO03: Performance reading the components |
325174 | Extended lock logic for prod. order and confirm. |
757675 | Search help for work center: No short cut (=) |
528132 | Observer registration not deleted with component |
86363 | Prodctn order: Scrap 100%-->Crash - division by 0 |
519044 | Enhancement subnetwrk possible in sp of product cost collctr |
451915 | Runtime error when changing a production order |
314571 | Reading invalid configuration |
352709 | Dump during ATP in the production order |
151134 | Incor.results avail.check w/ alt. or discon. group |
859571 | Error /CAB/PP_CO 639 in transaction CO02 |
129360 | PPPR: Standard value units are incorrect in print |
65174 | 3.1G: Unjustified inconsist.in char.value assignment |
153442 | IS-AFS Setting of final issue in prod. order comp. |
164434 | Reading master data: Components go missing |
162319 | Incorrect component quantity for Read Master Data |
588154 | Distribution key changed in order item |
32900 | Allocating source of supply f. PReq in network & prod. order |
82901 | ITAB_ERROR in LCOITU27: Problems with note 76287 |
35465 | Reassigning a created component in network/order |
529503 | Error message CO257 when extending subnetwork |
382768 | Error in Note 377648 |
415574 | Co28: Incor. confirm. for collect. check of collective order |
308461 | Rounding error in quantities of alternative items |
93354 | Incorrect component qty when changing header qty |
62621 | Update termination MCF_VERSION_UPD_V1 |
191719 | No DLT in EBAN when deletion flag is set |
542170 | Comb.orders - reserved quantity in tab. J_3ABDBSCO too large |
165907 | Missing parts list displayd for compnents w/o check |
102328 | Missing initialization ATP server |
338715 | Order with zero duration: basic dates incorrect |
644772 | Error message 29090 during order creation |
179794 | Product unit and Assembly |
84477 | No sales document update from collective release |
162172 | Message when changing prod.order if combined |
621666 | Reading master data after update termination |
600645 | No rqmt qty for discontinuation components and alternatives |
190634 | Purchase requisitions for deleted components |
414455 | Update termination in K_SRULE_SAVE_UTASK when saving PrOrd |
307412 | Deleting operation not possible |
321382 | Invalid storage location copied for component |
366404 | Termination when enhancing subnetwork |
74960 | BOM explosion: Phantom with alternative group |
194593 | Plant change in stand.comp.FAUF msg 8j945 AFS-FIX |
312135 | CN22/IW32/CO02: Purchasing data is initialized |
89548 | Production order: Error C2087 or BS001 or OPR_NOT_FOUND |
192868 | Prod. ord. AFS fix cannot be changed for std comp. |
309504 | Incorrect confirmation date in collective order |
75346 | No change to the outline agreement in component |
552649 | COHV: Resetting availability data for assembly orders II |
98901 | Unit size number not in EA without decimal places |
66173 | Production dates postponed by one day |
122583 | Trmntn 'NOT_FOUND' after implmntatin of Note 112062 |
451331 | Batch determination not possible after import of plug-in |
79696 | Deleting operations when deleting sequences |
83770 | CO01/2:'Reset availability' sets status MACM |
655991 | WM error displayed only once |
209735 | Configuration owner of material variant changes |
188705 | Components with component scrap incorrect |
178939 | Transfer of co-products |
117321 | CO01,02: Rounding error for component quantities |
124029 | GR expected although no quantity update |
206132 | Multiple order changes not transferred to APO |
130769 | Availability check production orders |