Transaction SAP CJE0 - Exécuter état de hiérarchie

Notes associées
89462Calling the report f. availability control directly
525230Problem with Plan/Actual/variance project report
92411Aggregation: upper and lower case
101630Archived data is not displayed in the report
152149LDB PSJ: Selection with dynamic selections
786476LDB PSJ: Long runtimes during selections on the AFKO table
109241Hierarchy reports: Dynamic selections, BBS
166984IM and PS reporting: plan values differ
320187PS-IS: Double total values in hierarchy report
81600Summarization: Costs of deleted orders are missing
131683PS-IS: Negative residual order plan
526206PSIS: Consulting notes on business information system
142038Incorrect budget values in hierarchy report
327883COLLECT_OVERFLOW_TYPE_P: Error in note 320187
308397PS-IS: Incorrect overall plan values in hierarchy report
92614Incorrect display in report
122029Report for availability control: double values
151819PS-IS:Residual order plan for several plan versions
147438Authorization when branching to hierarchy report
309174Hierarchy reports: Incorrect overall budget
132900Summarization nodes are missing, error message KU119
354592KH178: hierarchy 0SAP is not unique (12KST1I)
153601PS-IS: Planned values of not appended orders
157389Incorrect costs in cost structure reports
352535PS-IS: Report 12KST1I does not select data
411591Long runtimes in project view 'Capital investment programs'
125508Resdl order plan durng dill-down acc.t.value catgry
134621IM/PS reporting: Plan/budget/residual plan differ
528677PS-IS: Changing output type in drilldown reporting
127521PS IS: Unnecessary lines (Year 0000)
130640Hierarchy reports: Performance
300104PS-IS:Incorrct overall plan vals in hierchy reports
123316Summarization:incorrect values in hierarchy reports
152268Reset deletion flag->Project Information System
422987PSIS: Jumping from drilldown report to cost element report
305898PS-IS: Database profile 0..05 No ledger
140412PS-IS: Overall plan values for several planning versions
141875Performance - Master data buffering hierarchy report
76271Dump during recompilation or summarization report
82855Hierarchy rep.: Compl. network activities missing
107201Cost structure report: incorrect planned values
140311PS-IS: Total values in hierarchy reports
121057RPSCO: Missing records
140755Branching to line item report: Data of other years
77147Planned costs in not appended networks/orders
318500PS-IS: branching to line items: too many periods
328342Drilldown report InvProgram: no export to Excel/XXL
83222Transaction CJ50 a.follow.transactns as of Rel.3.0
186899Report/report interface / Goto line item report
142353PS-IS: CJPN_FILL_PRPS_BUFFER enhancement
136398PS-IS: Cost element reports do not read COSPP/COSSP
88070Assgnd values in case of down pymnts; PO cat.incor.
135254Perfrmance problems in Projct System as of Rel. 4.0
67717RRI: Endless selection during report call
519653.0:Costs struc.reports:Elimination of int.bus.vol.
381774Documentation test program BEBDTEST
207389PS-IS: Assigned value not displayed in hierarchy report
109109Residual order plan: No display in report 12KST1F
330335Drilldown: select / change output type
79852Performance hierarchy reports (buffering)
50238Improved performance in summarization
495088Evaluation of archives in the Project Information System
148971Planned values in Project Information System
81258SAPSERVX: New report for availability control
873977Controlling elements in availability control
336544PS-IS: Overall plan in PS hierarchy reports
371048Drilldown reporting: characteristic disply in reports (docu)
327081Costs/payments of deleted activities in project reports
668240FAQ 2: Hierarchy reports