Transaction SAP CJ88 - Imput. réelle: projets / réseaux

Notes associées
36648CJ88: Sender not settled completely
73881Asset postings do not consider field status
71807IM - document inconsistent
74026CJ8G 00671 COLLECT_OVERFLOW_TYPE_P in PS Settlement
617424Screen problem when you call Transaction CJB2
157949KD211 'UPPER_BOUND_RULE for GES'
314412Error in report RKAABRNRCHK
144551Asset value date on the initial screen is ignored
322550Incor.doc.numbers f.proj.-related incomng sls order
1409683Unexpected line items during settlement to asset
307063Specific settlement of fund and function
189989Batch input on settlement transaction
68839Settlement to fixed asset with group assets->RW022
172768Illogical message CN202 during settlement
33613IM settlement: Balance in currency for par.currency
457312Termination message AA999 with diverse asset postings
74268Batch settlement to fixed asset terminates
364427Settlement of costing to billing elements
83119IS-Oil: Dump in settlemt CJ88 / TABLE_INVALID_INDEX
492632Settlmnt investment measure: KD503 unjustified w/ balance 0
1139072 Incorrect quantity update for settlement to asset
948737Settlement of an asset: Clearing lines by online split
123726Batch input to settlement transaction is incorrect
133274AW499 on reversing periodic settlement inv.measure
76819Joint Venture: RECID in Settlement after Hotpack 13
421493Unexplainable period values after settlement reversal
377456 Settlmt invstmt measure: termtn w/ KD571 for parallel valtn
455659Derived account assignment not as expected
125540Settlement of investment measure: EM AW639, AW499
124697Overhead projects: errors CJ011, CJ021, KZ048
61146CJ8G KI249 Enter only 1 non-stat.l acct assignment.
67641Settl. ignores spec. periods in shortend fisc. year
122882Settlement: MESSAGE_TYPE_X in SAPLRWCL (RW018)
77032AW639, if several depreciation areas for revaluation
154272CJ45/CJ8G: No processing of PM/SM orders
315649KD538 in context with incoming sales order
379867KBx1N: Wrong values in object currency f RE object
952991Settlement: Error message F6 804 (part 2)
350280Settlement to fixed asset: incor.debit indicator
868301 Settlement: Error message F6804
71699AW639: Additional security check
704983Settlement to asset: Error message F5702 for credit memo
31749CJ88: Not all activities selected
71408 Periodic settlem. of cap.inv.measure -> Error AA816
116718Settlmt inv.quantities to CO-PA with source assignments
550745Incoming sales orders settlement: KD538 not processed
75280Settlement, CI measure, 0 lines, current acquisitn
178874Sttlmnt to fix.asset:down paym.postd as stat.actual
66925EM: RW022, AW639 during periodic settlement
357375Settlement: AA613 for AuC intracompany transfer
38285KD206 when spec.period of short.fisc.year
102464Debit category of RKACOR04 not filled
166725No display of the accrued values in settlement
21496Down payment for order not credited during settlemt
1524874Settlement: Determining settlement info from AUAK at runtime
199457New FY asset: Termin.,ordr AuC vals
36978Settlement to CO-PA --> KD270 / missing variances
424139Cross-year settlement
47350CJ88: Termination CONVT_NO_NUMBER
118082Settlement: Contents of field USPOB (source object)
188641Auxiliary acct assignment to fixed asset during settlement
197561Information on settlemet: Messages despite zero balance
846933CO settlement: Error with unknown currency types in FI
26502Read accesses to COSP, COSS under ADABAS or MSSQL
397436Settlement to asset: Parallel currency = object currency
184919Information: Status update during settlement
709626 Activity allocation settlement: Fund/function incorrect
69279Line item apportmnt for AuC cap.invest.meas.->AW050
33181Settlement to fixed asset: stat. CO acct assignmnt
193210Settlement to asset: AW217, F5703, RW022 etc
50708Probs.with complexes (quantity, ANEP, EAUFN, POSNR)
322988Investmt measure:cumulat.acquisition values changed
322564Different document numbers required for settlement
194739Settlement investment measure: Termination with KD533
94918Invoiced quantity is not settled correctly
398631INFO: CO-PC-OBJ (settlement)
134392Settlement: Limit transaction types to depreciation areas
65434Problems with investment projects
89571Substitution of coding block fields in FI
64420Settlemt line items:err.msg. F5807 Doc.too large
335724KD549 for the final settlement investment measure
95365Final settlement investment measure -> AA310
49894CO88: material stock accounts have incorrect status
45576Sttlmnt frm cap.inv.measure not suited to cst elmnt
89107Prevent unwanted line items in EC-PCA
65895KQ152 or KQ153 w. settlement WIP/results analysis
453262Restore status and profile for orders RIORDST1
124864KD503 with the settlement of cap. invstmnt measures
145705Settlement: AA629, AA617 after EURO changeover
23491Settlement of capital invest. measure -> EM F5704
421308Settlement of quantities to fixed asset
926142Settlement with fund accounting for other receivers of AuC
23147Settlement: several errors w/ settlement by cost element
134381Invoiced quantity is not settled correctly
48895 Settlm. to fixed asset / AuC -> error message AA641
483340Settlmt to G/L account plus CO relevant addtnl accnt assgnmt
523292WBS elements without COBRA-record
173692Inv.measure settlmt: Determinatn of capitlztn vl ineffective