Transaction SAP CJ40 - Modifier plan du projet

Notes associées
390620Not possible to total up outside of structure plannings
420452Applying overhead in background not for several fiscal years
630572Fund Accounting: Termination during overhead calculation
521846Objects are applied overhead despite status 'LKD'
423673Fund Accounting: Exceptn GJAHR_NOT_FOUND in surcharge calc.
402740CJ44 can be carried out with networks despite status AALK
417193Overhead: Credit of cost center not possible
424390Fund accounting: Fund not available with debit/credit
455295Application of overheads terminates with "DUPLICATE_COBK"
570821Overhead application: Perfrmce probls, large cond tables
620330Fund Accounting: No overhead rates for init.acct assignmnt
651109Application of overhead: Error message FI 030
140412PS-IS: Overall plan values for several planning versions
560834Fund Accounting:Short dump GJAHR_NOT_FOUND in SAPLKPT
575849Fund Accounting:Unnecessary reversal and reposting
547322Error message F6001 at accrual calculation/overhead
622328Apply overheads: Perfrmance problms, large conditn tab 2 2
442569No appl.of overhds f.projcts and WBS elem.w/cost ctr depend.
436929Overhead rates background: no update after reversal
534643Incorrect distributed value in structure plan after KP97
374801Overheads in special periods w/ shortened fiscal year
401394Incorrect object in error message K0105
511279CJ41, CJ43: New distributed values when exiting
655491Fund Accounting: Error message F6864
1235375PS reporting: Plan for higher-level WBS elements too low
421823TSV_INDEX_INDEX_NO_ROLL_MEMORY in case of overhead applicati
662341Incorrect detail planning layouts w/ Funds Management
1392425Exit: CJ40 only as init trans for cost elem plng/unit costng
498190Applicatn of overheads: short dump at COLLECT via TKOMV_EXT
398629INFORMATION: CO-PC-OBJ (Revaluation)
185309CJ40: Incorrect distributed values in planning
785282Incor plan total in CO area currency aft cost element plng
1008546Costs in the dashboard (cost planning in ERP)
95703Incorrect order type for network activities
446393Table control planning/budgeting: Columns cannot be hidden
534853Applying overheads to sales orders with Schedule Manager
320187PS-IS: Double total values in hierarchy report
828718Values of cost element planning missing in planned total
508771KP06ff.: Performance problems whith deletion
206987KO12/CJ40: interaction overall/detailed planning
415772Planning element / billing element in manual planning
308397PS-IS: Incorrect overall plan values in hierarchy report
611025CJ40ff: Branch from overall planng to detailed planng incor.
51987No display of plan line items possible
408721Incorrect recovery indicator in sender object
426454CJ40, KO12: Termination NOT_ACTIVE with warning message
382121System error in: T_OBJ Table: - Report:LKBPPF05
167405Unable to total up zero values
40114Missing authorization check for plan versions
652572Overhead application: Overhead appl.on objects incorrect
531941KP06contd:Performance problems because of COKA
104686Input help for plan version incomplete
533039CJ40: plan change despite status during total up
491501CJ40: Plan values totalled up in spite of status
538907CJ30, CJ40: Performance problems under DB2
300104PS-IS:Incorrct overall plan vals in hierchy reports
332515CJ9B, CJ9F: Copy planning elements, billing elements
1673803CJ40/CJ42/KO12: Using your own planning layouts
618100CJ40ff: Incorrect layout when branching to detailed planning
584655Automatic total up without structure plan values
43957'Total up' does not cumulate across the years
361281CJ40: "Order/Network" view displays too low values
388088CJ40: Unit costing view displays too few values
717926Planning/budgeting: Missing columns in views
544023CJ40, KO12: Temporary save after termination
81762Budget/plan: Distributed values are incorrect
169808KP06ff: Deficient check for shortened fiscal year
382379Cost Element Dependent planning in the PS hierarchy report
91250Plan values not checkd when saving overall planning
535158CJ40, CJ42: Total up function
487524Cycles: incorrect distributed value in project
447152Structural change:plan from non-planning element incorrect
322422CJ40, CJ30: Unjustified error messages
140894CJ40, CJ42: Zero values are totalled up
102837CJ9B: Incorrect values after copying plan version
656281No branch from structure planning into planning of SKF
500279CJ40: What do the views display?
134846GET_PS_OBJECTNUMBER: Long runtime
105067Displayed cost elements in primary cost planning
125645KP06ff: Terminations in generated reports
112384Wrong planning data in JV ledger
48570Displayed combinations activity input planning
1673712CJ40/CJ42/KO12: Using your own planning layouts
52577CJ9B/KO14: Rounding error when copying plan version
127974KP06ff: KI806/K8037 Period blocks
75032KP06: quantity/usage not ready for input
43919CJ40: 'Total up' gives wrong values
510586CJ40: bottom-up planning with subhierarchy
123774Cost planning: batch input sessions are terminated
211391Trace for overhead calculation
377142Batch input for manual planning transactions
332563CJ40: incorrect distributed values w/ debit type 0
498573CJ40, KO12: "Cost element plan" view for integrated planning
542887Missing status objects and/or temporary activity numbers
355300Overall planning/availability control in currencies
1620344Exit: CJ42 only as init transac for detailed planning of rev
305080Manual overall planning: Checking principles
128854CJ40/CJ42: Totaling up after changed hierarchy
668240FAQ 2: Hierarchy reports