521116 | CJ27/CJV1: Calculate costs / Call cost report |
36706 | Project planning board: Calculate costs |
629275 | Copying WBS element: Dependent data is incomplete |
211895 | Drag and Drop does not work in planning board |
357075 | Calling up CNEX0012 with edited WBS element no. |
375422 | CJ2B: Information on costs is not correct |
182677 | CJ2B: long runtime during costing |
308382 | Sorting the milestones by date in the PPB |
393954 | Syntax error in LCOKOFC1 after Note 386676 |
500539 | CJ27: Plng timeframe & evaluation period / plng board profle |
211664 | Planning board: Error including WBS elements |
373898 | Deletion of project definition in planning board |
148077 | Cost display in the project planning board |
373679 | CJ2B: Show activity after copying |
516703 | Canceling the deletion flag in the project planning board |
165271 | Ntwrk graphic not corrct when grouping WBS elemt... |
365988 | No settlement rule created for subnetwork |
376391 | Creating subnetworks in project planning board |
573113 | ALE: Projects are distributed with incorrect project ID |
307014 | Required field check when saving:checks are missing |
417198 | BS001: No status object is available for & |
44632 | Popup for ext. no. assignment in structure planning |
322408 | Copying WBS element with incorrect reference |
305631 | Error after collapsing in the PPT |
311229 | Missing messages when you create or save project |
211412 | Termintn in planng brd for cross-netwk relationshps |
426524 | Duplicate settlemt rule when creating partial network in PPT |
386676 | WBS element (CRTD) can be assigned to network header (REL) |
121644 | Dump when including standard network |
106823 | Overall pland csts in plang tabl, infosys str./dat. |
394684 | CJ2B: Deletion flag for project definition |
144340 | Copy network to structure planning/planning table |
381956 | Capacity overview in CJ2B: missing requirements |
391771 | Capacity overview in CJ2B: Incorrect requirements |
371952 | CJ2B: Characters are truncated due to indent |
373579 | CJ2B: Flag 'Sub-divided' for WBS element |
209480 | Terminatin A888 in proj.planning board f. frst actn |
487078 | CJ2B: Activate/deactivate link mode has no effect |
379485 | CJ2B: Indentation in table section is incorrect |
354266 | CJ2B: TABLE_INVALID_INDEX in Include LCJGRF6Z |
614553 | Short dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X due to NESTED_PERFORM_ON_COMMIT |
492590 | Integrated release in PS: NOT_FOUND |
179841 | CO888 in PPB when creating subnetwork w. ext. no. |
451214 | CJ2B:Mouse pointer w/ drag&drop of milestone/activity elmnts |
323146 | Display/hide activities with deletion flag |
334502 | CJ2B: Information on costs disappears |
383842 | Expand/Collapse WBS elements in PPT and so on |
401677 | Deleting project in CJ2B: TABLE_INVALID_INDEX |
122530 | Performance improvements PS system |
422454 | CJ2B: 'Cost overview' chart, error 'SAPLBARC' $CURVALS |
534217 | WBS dates: SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC after Note 440698 |
484660 | CJ2B: Data of the project definition is lost |
390544 | Deletion flag for activity elements in the project |
451938 | WBS element settlement rule: Copy, performance |
507905 | Copying WBS structure without root: incorrect hierarchy |
412725 | CJ2B: Costs not updated after costing |
521398 | CJV2/CJ2B: Incorrect display of activity elements |
430994 | CJ2B: Various problems when grouping activated |
332037 | CJ2B: relationship missing 'show activity' |
359462 | Create WBS elem.in proj.pln.board:sts,SETC,subproj. |
384128 | Call of CNEX0012 with edited WBS element no. II |
102676 | Termin.when creating subnetwork and external number |
328089 | User-specific settings in project planning board |
371613 | Dialog box in time axis editor not translated |
488798 | CJ20N, CJ2B: Performance when including WBS elements |
420357 | Various problems within grouping |
615023 | CJ2B/CJ20N: Creating project via project definition template |
556027 | Scheduling scenario does not overwrite the planning method |
397751 | Display/highlight PM/SM order: TIME_OUT in PPB |
156495 | Include subnetwork through milestone function II |
374279 | Object status changes in the planning board |
83575 | Inform.messages for external number assgnmnt in PPB |
380992 | Error in the grouping of project planning board |
408075 | Network: Error message 06334 for source of supply determintn |
633557 | Copy WBS element: No settlement rule |
420071 | Network costing: Complete costing instead of update |
452995 | CJ2B: Option settings from incorrect planning table profile |
440574 | Create component in PB or PPB: Source determination |
182646 | CJ27, CJ2B:CN350 f.subnetwork f.generl costs actvty |
387748 | Capacity leveling in CJ2B: missing capacity |
546919 | Douplicated heading in error log from status check |
370821 | Display of milestone not sorted |
495301 | Deletion of last activity in the network: MESSAGE_TYPE_X |
525358 | CJ2B: Show/hide relationships |
146924 | Include subnetwork by milestone function |
574317 | Network: Error msge 06334 for source of supply determintn II |
525853 | Creating network with template: Copying configuration |
415283 | AVO_ALREADY_EXISTS w.creatng/changng ext.prcssd act.and PReq |
437270 | CJ2B: Missing profile settings in Gantt chart/PPB |
433030 | ORACLE: Performance during project creation with reference |
395644 | CJ2B: MESSAGE_TYPE_X e.g. after moving milestone |
173405 | Network: CO888 or double activity number |
551457 | CJ2B: Decimal places in table section not adjustable |
319619 | Termntn RAISE_EXCEPTION after reassigning milestone |
418141 | Copying customer number proposed (after Note 396340) |
130142 | CO010 after creating netwrk by copying stand. ntwrk |
435594 | CJ2B: Automatic substitution/validation in network II |
578738 | CN22:Longtext editor-Field control for operation short text |