167626 | CIP2: Deactivation of parallel processing |
91894 | CIP2, CIP3, CIP4: no finish when blocking |
93442 | CIP2: No update due to termination RU085 |
93075 | Deadlocks during update in PPIS |
202015 | Problems with capacity requirements after confirmation |
92900 | Error 53527: Confirmation w.personnel no. w/o HR |
197669 | Capacity requirements despite of final confirmation |
202318 | Final confirmat. with qty 0 & missing goods movement |
72841 | Incorrect operation during conf.; PDC error records |
542590 | Confirmation with actual costs: Double CO documents |
400549 | AFS: Problems with IDoc confirmation using AFS-materials |
538667 | No or incorrect goods issues for confirmations |
536666 | Confirmation with actual costs: Duplicate CO docs possible |
133898 | Termination during confirmation or scheduling order |
569483 | Confirmation: unnecessary planned confirmations for actual c |
93866 | PDC:Completion confirmtn data processd incompletely |
312584 | PDC: Confirmations with goods movements |
186957 | Various dumps and other problems w. capacity reqs |
74833 | Wrong actual costs or termination in confirmation |
176682 | CO11: Deadlock because of blocked update processes |
131020 | PDC confirmations: activities not determined |
83590 | Performance PDC upload PP/PM/PS: Parallelization |
741800 | GR by-product: User Exit COPCP002 is not run |
357212 | PDC confirmation 4.6: Default values for services |
365310 | Note search for PP-SFC-EXE-CON and PP-SFC-EXE-GM |
351200 | Inconsistent confirmation counter |