Transaction SAP CAA1 - Créer compte de contrats

Notes associées
201152Various errors for contract account
485560Error in DL Contr.accnt with different partner= accnt holder
203366Error when saving one-time customer contract account
173888No check of alternative payee in contract account
206793Planned change docs not activated in activation run
158209Adding new partners to a contract account
193810Check for alt.payer to bus.part./cntr.a/c relatnsh.
197925Activ.of planned changes to contr.accnt causes error
167356Creating contract accounts via BOR or FM
146204Error when creat/chang.contract accnts in the RFC
206991Create alt.receiver in contr.acct via direct input
182407Cntrct acct fields ready for input on the screen
610989Contract account: Update into CRM for planned changes
300824Prevent creation of contract accounts in future
300798Leading zeros w/ dir input contr account not added
626337PSCD: Work after release upgrade, Support Package import
194990Copying Jurcodes into Jurcode rel addres of account