417091 | Optimize execution time of planning functions |
644076 | BPS Web: Bad performance of Web Interface with Excel |
720264 | BPS Web: Initial expand level of hierarchies in layout |
694522 | Error message SKTY000 during the translation of SEM-BPS |
358529 | Overview of performance notes |
683921 | Planning folders : updating of variable's buffer. |
723296 | Translation in Web Interface Builder: Error message SKTY000 |
782230 | BPS Web: Excel template does not change |
843599 | BPS Web: Position of documents is marked incorrectly |
750062 | BPS Web: Texts in value help for new lines in Excel OWC |
755459 | Web Interface Builder, 3.1B SP22, 3.2 SP17, 3.5 SP13 |
564769 | BW 2.x: Transactional InfoCube incorrect data loading |
568194 | Incorrect access through SEM with compounding, logical ORs |
577903 | Dump: Exception 'CX_RSR_X_MESSAGE' was triggered |
1633655 | Attribute in planning layout sometimes not displayed |
210888 | BPS0: Termination, performance problems when saving |
707986 | Writing in trans. InfoCubes: PERFORM_CONFLICT_TAB_TYPE |
1474236 | Microsoft Excel process is not terminated |
955882 | Unnecessary planning sequences in planning profiles |
937016 | Compound characteristics and hierarchy authorizations |
551971 | BW reporting authorizations in BPS |
618983 | Rounding differences w/ floating type key figures |
350011 | GoingLive Service - Preparations for BPS Benchmark Check |
625926 | Selector was not initialized (UPWB128) |
632333 | BPS Web: How can I use Excel in Web Interfaces? |
795574 | BPS Web: Selector displays only technical keys |
967358 | Correction of layout SPLA1000 for Sales Planning Content |
503399 | PS/IM-SEM pushback functions: Support |
364598 | Loading data into transactional InfoCubes |
1254573 | SAPBWNews NW 7.0 BI Add-On Frontend SP800 (GUI 7.10) |